
Polycystic kidney hematuria how to do

Polycystic kidney hematuria how to do? Polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to scientific and rational diet and active prevention of colds and infections.

① Dialysis and Transplantation: polycystic kidney disease patients to end stage renal failure, dialysis treatment should be immediately in order to preferred hemodialysis. Polycystic kidney transplant survival rates and other reasons, the treatments were similar, but also associated with the disease, increasing the difficulty of postoperative treatment, affecting transplantation.

② cyst decortication: This surgery reduces the cysts of the renal parenchyma of oppression, the majority of the remaining nephrons protection against extrusion and further damage, renal ischemia situation has improved, and some renal units have been restored, delaying the progression of the disease. The key to successful operation is an operation as soon as possible, cyst decompression must be thoroughly, do not give small cysts and deep cyst decompression. Bilateral should surgery, general surgery bilateral interval of six months or more. Advanced cases such as existing renal impairment in azotemia, uremia, whether or not associated with high blood pressure, reduced pressure treatment has been meaningless, surgery to combat anti may be worse.

③ treatment of hematuria: hematuria when, in addition to a clear reason given treatment as soon as possible, but should reduce activity or bed rest. Dialysis or dialysis patients has been forthcoming, such as severe recurrent hematuria can not control, consider using transcatheter renal artery embolization.

Polycystic kidney disease patients can not eat several types of food? Believe polycystic kidney disease patients are aware that in order to get better treatment, clinical treatment alone is imperfect, but also the needs of patients supported by the scientific diet treatment, which can do to systematic and comprehensive treatment of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease and improve the prognosis of patients.


