
How traditional therapy treatment of polycystic kidney disease?

How traditional therapy treatment of polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease is a multi-hereditary. When polycystic kidney disease, cysts on the kidney structure will have a huge destructive, it can cause kidney dysfunction, severe uremia can lead to kidney failure. We all know that traditional therapy has a long history in our country, there are a lot of unknown etiology or Western medicine can not treat the disease, it will be solved by conventional therapy, polycystic kidney disease as well. Western medicine in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease by surgery or treatment of multiple puncture, but easy to relapse, can not completely cure. So, how to treat polycystic traditional therapy? Here's a look at some of the presentation of our kidney experts have made it for everyone.
Traditional therapy how to treat polycystic kidney disease experts say we?:
1, qi and blood circulation: Because wet stasis kidney, can obstruct air machine, causing blood stasis, blood water became mutual suffering, so the treatment should be a message qi and blood circulation. There hematuria heat to stop bleeding; stasis block facie waist, blood circulation and pain; fever, abdominal pain, detoxification, blood circulation.
2, righting: the waist discomfort, or a family history of polycystic kidney disease patients, kidney yang deficiency who early partial, partial kidney yin and kidney polycystic kidney disease early when no evident symptoms, or.
3, both specimens: polycystic kidney disease in the later stages, with the first kidney Division, within the toxic cloud from off grid severe stop, so it should be wet muddy dampness Huazhuo; there is water vapor, should diuresis gas line. In short, the treatment should be both specimens, Guben have Yin, Qi, kidney, spleen and other laws, the symptoms include heat, dampness, blood, blood, Pingganxifeng and other laws.
Is our nephrologist more about how traditional therapies for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease some relevant details described, I hope we can bring some help. If you have any do not understand, I welcome you to click on the consultation online experts.


What specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have it

Specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have what? Polycystic kidney parenchyma numerous cysts of varying sizes, the larger can be large, small ones can only be visible to the naked eye, so that the entire increase in renal volume, surface was rugged cystic projections, light yellow capsule slurry, and sometimes because of bleeding and dark brown or reddish-brown. There are two types of polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. So what specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have? Here, please come to our nephrologist detailed introduction about it.
What specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have it?
1. nephropathy progression of renal enlargement sides asymmetry, there are differences in size, to the late two kidneys may occupy the entire abdominal cavity, renal cysts have a lot of fabric surface, so that kidney-shaped irregular, uneven, hard.
2. important symptom for kidney pain, often for lower back pressure or dull, there are pain, sometimes abdominal pain. Pain may be due to physical activity, walking for too long, sedentary exacerbated after bed reduce. Renal hemorrhage due to move stones or infection is sudden severe pain.
3. About half of patients showed microscopic hematuria hematuria, may have episodes of gross hematuria, the Department of the cyst wall caused by ruptured blood vessels. Bleeding for a long time can cause colic clot through the ureter. White blood cells in urine is often accompanied by hematuria and proteinuria, urinary protein less, usually less than 1.0g / d. Obviously when pyuria kidney infection, hematuria aggravated, low back pain with fever.
4. Hypertension is a common manifestation of ADPKD, not before serum creatinine increased, about half of high blood pressure, which is the cyst oppression surrounding tissue, activation of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system related. The past 10 years, Graham PC, Torre V and Chapman AB confirmed that the disease so normal kidney tissue, increased interstitial between the cyst and cyst epithelial cells adjacent renin granules, and renin secretion. These are closely related to the growth of cysts and hypertension. In other words, the emergence of hypertension cyst is growing rapidly, it can directly affect the prognosis.


What is polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to diet

Polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what diet? Now everyone pay attention to the role of diet, many seriously ill diet also have their own requirements, not just this kind you eat, especially polycystic kidney disease. So diet polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what? Here please our nephrologist for everyone to explain in detail the relevant content bar.
1, offal foods: polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what diet made of cooked animal offal polycystic kidney disease patients not suitable for human consumption, especially liver, China sent a message saying, what to eat, make up what is, in fact, not so? In the process of killing animals left many toxins in the liver, kidney, especially the liver, liver function is detoxification, metabolic toxins many animals are left in the gut, if the patients taking these substances invisible to increase the burden on the kidneys, worse .
2, high-protein food: Every kidney disease, it should be low-protein diet and avoid nitrogen metabolites in vivo synthesis, reduce the renal excretion of force. Such as soy, tofu and other soy products.
3, fermented foods: polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what diet are talking about here is mainly bacteria fermented food becomes fermented foods, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs class?. Avoid eating these will be beneficial cyst growth.

4. alcoholic beverages: alcohol, especially wine, in terms of the polycystic kidney disease patients should quit, alcohol and kidney irritation of important advantages. It can stimulate the activity of polycystin accelerate cyst growth.


What is polycystic kidney disease treatment is important

What important treatment of polycystic kidney disease is? Polycystic kidney disease is a normal manifestation of kidney damage, there is good and timely treatment of polycystic kidney disease and timely control of the disease, what treatments are polycystic important? To address this problem, we take a detailed look at, hope the following content to help you.
[A] treatment of polycystic kidney general treatment: Under normal circumstances, after the Attorney General of polycystic kidney disease patients, first to maintain an optimistic attitude, if not yet the impact on the patient's normal life, usually need to be careful not to eat or eat less salty, spicy foods such as irritation, schedule to the law, the mood to steady optimism; if the impact on the normal life of the patient, usually pay attention to more than a few, but also for the treatment, and the sooner the better, otherwise let it progress to renal failure and uremia, too late.
[B] treatment of polycystic kidney disease cyst decortication: This surgery reduces the cyst oppression of the renal parenchyma, love the majority of the remaining nephrons from extrusion and further damage, renal ischemia situation has improved partly restored kidney function unit, delaying the progression of the disease. The key to successful operation is an operation as soon as possible, cyst decompression is necessary thoroughly, discarding small cysts and deep cyst decompression. Bilateral should surgery, general surgery bilateral interval of six months or more. Advanced cases such as existing renal impairment in azotemia, uremia, whether or not associated with high blood pressure, reduced pressure treatment has been meaningless, surgery to combat anti may be worse.
Treatment of polycystic kidney disease [three] traditional Chinese medicine: the current traditional treatments take conservative therapy in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the effect is very good. Traditional therapies to adopt the overall concept and Differential Treatment, polycystic kidney disease that is the result of interaction of external and internal factors, through a step diversion, gradually let cyst liquid discharge, to make the cyst gradually narrow purposes. Although conventional gene therapy can not overcome the problem, but the effect of conservative treatment is Western medicine can not be compared, and substantially non-toxic side effects, less recurrence.
Treatment of polycystic kidney disease [four] Dialysis and Transplantation: to end stage renal failure, dialysis treatment should be immediately in order to preferred hemodialysis. Polycystic kidney transplant survival rates and other reasons, the treatments were similar, but also associated with the disease, increasing the difficulty of postoperative treatment, affecting transplantation.
Above is an important method of treatment of polycystic kidney disease is related to what is described, it is not a certain understanding of it. We hope friends of patients to pay attention to their health and actively to the regular professional hospital treatment carried out. If you have any other questions please consult online experts who will give you a better answer.


What treatment of polycystic kidney disease is different periods

[First] for the occurrence of
The disease is hereditary disease, usually birth cyst, but a small, easy to find, 20 years ago generally difficult to find, but if the family polycystic kidney disease patients should be early detection, and early growth conditions observed cyst . Attention to maintenance.
[Second] growing
Patients 30-40 years of age, the cyst will have a faster growth, medically referred to the growing period. Growing should strengthen the observation, doctors have no way to treat this period that do not need treatment, only symptomatic treatment, such as high blood pressure, which seemed very passive. During this period should remain active treatment, the treatment aims through the use of a strong role in blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, so that the cyst no longer grow or retard growth of cysts, to prolong the life of the role, it can be said that this is Chinese medicine blood circulation retard cyst growth critical period.
[Third] enlargement of
Patients entered the 40 years of age, there will be further growth of cyst enlargement, when after more than 4cm cyst, the cyst ulceration this period, called enlargement period. With the expansion of cysts occur more clinical symptoms, such as back pain, proteinuria, hematuria, blood pressure, etc., then it should close observation, in the treatment of this period is a critical period of Chinese and Western combined treatment. Chinese medicine blood circulation can detox Xiezhuo by removing hazards renal cyst fluid aim to protect renal function, therefore, polycystic kidney enlargement is a critical period of Integrative Medicine to protect renal function.
[Fourth] rupture of
Such as cysts continue to grow, and in some external action, there will be ulceration, ulceration should be hospitalized immediately after treatment, and actively control the infection and prevent sepsis and acute worsening of renal function, in order to facilitate other symptomatic treatment.
Above is related presentations have to say that the diet of uremic patients, we are not a certain understanding of it. We hope friends of patients to pay attention to their health and actively to the regular professional hospital treatment carried out. If you have any other questions please consult online experts who will give you a better answer.


Polycystic kidney disease progression treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary cystic diseases are generally born with a small cyst, but it is not easy to detect. So polycystic kidney disease progression is how like? Following on from my hospital experts on this question for everyone to do the next introduction.
Polycystic kidney disease progression --20 years ago
Generally difficult to find, but if the family polycystic kidney disease patients should be early detection, and early growth conditions cyst was observed. Attention to maintenance.
Polycystic kidney disease progression --30-40 years
Cyst will grow faster, medically referred to the growing period. Growing should strengthen the observation, doctors have no way to treat this period that do not need treatment, only symptomatic treatment, such as high blood pressure, which seemed very passive. During this period should remain active treatment, the treatment aims through the use of a strong role in blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, so that the cyst no longer grow or retard growth of cysts, to prolong the life of the role, it can be said that this is Chinese medicine blood circulation retard cyst growth critical period.
Polycystic kidney disease after the age of development --0
There will be further growth of cyst enlargement, when after more than 4cm cyst, the cyst ulceration this period, called enlargement period. With the expansion of cysts occur more clinical symptoms, such as back pain, proteinuria, hematuria, blood pressure, etc., then it should close observation, in the treatment of this period is a critical period of Chinese and Western combined treatment. Chinese medicine blood circulation can detox Xiezhuo by removing hazards renal cyst fluid aim to protect renal function, therefore, polycystic kidney enlargement of Integrative Medicine is to protect renal function of the critical period,
Such as cysts continue to grow, and in some external action, there will be ulceration, ulceration should be hospitalized immediately after treatment, and actively control the infection and prevent sepsis and acute worsening of renal function, in order to facilitate other symptomatic treatment. If the development is uremia.
These are the experts on the development of polycystic kidney disease related to introduction, we are aware of it, hoping to pay more attention, experts advise checking result of the determination after receiving timely treatment, so as not to lead to more serious consequences, if still in doubt, then you can click on the online experts to conduct detailed consultation.


How the treatment of polycystic kidney disease late

Because early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease is not obvious, so that many patients have a prevalence has been found to advanced polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease advanced so can be cured? Polycystic late how to treat it? Here we just listen to how the hospital experts answer this topic.
How the treatment of polycystic kidney disease late - Dialysis
In the early stages of treatment, should be the first effective control bleeding, replenish the blood flow, blood pressure control and timely, regular hemodialysis, the above treatment will help to correct the optic nerve damage in patients with polycystic kidney uremia.
How advanced the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - other adjuvant therapy
Increasing the lead to two with renal cysts were increased, especially in the left kidney, thereby causing serious damage to the left kidney function, excretion function poison reduce, and ultimately had to be removed. Now charged with two kidneys kidney function, because the same damage, and the resulting large number of toxins accumulated in uremic patients with polycystic kidney, causing elevated creatinine, metabolic waste retention, water and electrolyte imbalance, severe systemic damage. At this point in correcting optic nerve damage, based on the application of anti-infective blood transfusion together with other symptomatic treatment, so the patient's condition stabilized.
How advanced the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - a traditional Chinese medicine therapy
Polycystic kidney disease etiology: polycystic kidney cyst increases in process due to compression of the renal cysts and renal vascular tissue, so that the kidney ischemia, hypoxia, leading to endothelial cell damage, attracting inflammatory cell infiltration, inflammatory response, renal fibrosis starts, releasing a series of induced renal toxicity factor makes natural cells phenotypic transformation, instead of healthy kidney tissue, and gradually form a scar and, ultimately, to end-stage renal failure - uremia.

Traditional therapy for polycystic kidney disease: to use traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease uremia, by polycystic kidney disease peripheral vascular dilation, accelerate blood circulation wall, further inhibits the cyst wall epithelial cell distribution, prevent cysts continue to increase . Also in the course of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine also added organic acids, vitamins and other nutrients needed to repair the kidneys, eventually preventing further deterioration of renal disease. This is the treatment of polycystic kidney disease good treatment.
