
Polycystic kidney disease patients need early examination and early treatment!

Western medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease method

This method ⑴ treatment of polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney disease not only can not be completely cured, the patient returned to bring new physical and mental trauma, more importantly, shortly after surgery, usually six months or so, many of the original patients symptoms of relapse, and will gradually than in the past worsened renal function worsened.

⑵ the past has been the use of surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease this method is only for the purpose of elimination of large cysts, polycystic kidney disease treatment methods make use of surgery subsided, but large cysts subside to provide growth of small cysts space, small cysts grow faster, once again straining the kidneys.

⑶ If all Western Hospital for polycystic kidney disease patients have to wait and see attitude, making its treatment of polycystic kidney disease caught in a passive, namely: to increase until after a small cyst surgery directly, until the renal insufficiency direct hemodialysis , this method of treatment in terms of the effect, so that the patient loses confidence in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease. Treatment of polycystic kidney disease should not simply symptomatic treatment, but should start from the pathogenesis, blocking renal fibrosis fundamentally.

Polycystic kidney disease patients ate less? Our initial understanding of the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, but for polycystic kidney disease that we understand this is not enough, the following talk by a kidney specialist Dr. Wang from kidney disease diet, you explain polycystic Renal secret

Polycystic kidney disease patients ate less?

1, limit excessive protein intake: To Eat chicken, duck, fish, meat and other animal protein, high fat and greasy foods; eat protein-rich plants, such as beans, soy products category

2, limit protein intake (low protein diet), including chickens, ducks, fish, meat, eggs, milk, soy and other; ban alcohol; fasting coffee, chocolate; disabling side effects of medications toxic to the kidneys.

3, limiting the contaminated food: such as rancid, unsanitary, barbecue food.


