
What is the treatment of polycystic kidney disease is kidney failure?

Summary: "treatment of polycystic kidney failure is what?." I had chronic renal failure, creatinine 450 ...... force. Sometimes dizziness, blurred vision. Lack of energy. Dialysis treatment for six months, the symptoms did not improve. Renal failure patients how to diet treatment, renal failure, an artificial kidney how the treatment of chronic renal failure, on "What is the treatment of polycystic kidney failure?" Look at the current expert analysis:

I had chronic renal failure, creatinine 450, daytime legs feel weak, weak. Sometimes dizziness, blurred vision. Lack of energy. Dialysis treatment for six months, the symptoms did not improve.

Renal failure refers to the kidneys due to various reasons lose their normal function caused by the disease, according to the onset of the fast and slow can be divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure. What is the treatment of polycystic kidney disease is kidney failure? Fundamental etiology of renal failure is renal fibrosis, renal fibrosis process must be blocked from the source, to prevent the formation of scar stage, once the scarring of which is the formation of uremia , treatment is very difficult for. The prognosis of chronic renal failure and chronic renal failure patients often pay attention to correct dietary errors occur.

How artificial kidney treatment of chronic renal failure

Peritoneal dialysis is peritoneal ⑴ use as a semi-permeable membrane, the use of gravity through the prepared dialysate is poured into the patient's peritoneal cavity catheter, so that, on both sides of the peritoneal present in a concentration gradient of the solute poor, high solute concentration side to low concentration side movement (dispersion effect); water from the hypotonic hypertonic side to move (infiltration) side. Constantly replaced by peritoneal dialysis solution in order to achieve clear metabolites, toxic substances and to correct water and electrolyte balance disorders purposes.

⑵ hemoperfusion is introduced into the patient's blood perfusion containing solid adsorbent in order to remove certain exogenous or endogenous toxins, and a treatment method for purifying the blood reinfusion in vivo.

⑶ blood filtered through a machine (pump) or the patient's own blood pressure, blood flow through the extracorporeal circuit of a filter, in the role of filtration pressure filter out a lot of liquid and solutes that ultrafiltrate; at the same time, supplement and plasma liquid electrolyte solution similar in composition, that replacement fluid, in order to achieve blood purification purposes.


