
Treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the timing of the most important!

Treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the timing is most important! Grasp the opportunity there is an unexpected success and harvest, following the presentation by the experts so that patients understand the most comprehensive polycystic kidney disease and find out the true meaning of the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.

1 whole kidney cystic kidney is covered with large and small cysts, these cysts increases with age and grow, so will pressure the kidneys, so that the structure of kidney damage, reduce the number of renal units produce urine, kidney damage later the person can not maintain a normal life, then there will be uremia.

Forming process precisely, renal failure, uremia is actually progressive renal fibrosis process. Also, kidney failure and uremia are functional performance up to 50% of renal fibrosis after only appeared.

2, early renal disease essentially no symptoms, so many patients have not been diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease. Common first symptom of polycystic kidney disease have high blood pressure, hematuria, abdominal pain, and sometimes the first symptom may be a urinary tract infection or kidney stones.

The development of any disease have a prioritization process, polycystic kidney disease is no exception. Especially kidney compensatory function is very strong, in the initial inflammation by cyst or some other external factors interfere, often not obvious on the clinical presentation, daily life, work and study everything is normal.

3, kidney follow an autosomal dominant inheritance of male and female incidence equal; a parent there is one sick, the children get 50% and the incidence of cystic gene, such as a parent are sick, children, the incidence rate increased to 75% ; not sick woman does not carry cyst genes, such as polycystic kidney disease and non-heterosexual marriage, their children do not get sick, will not atavistic. Real non-parental inheritance, by a gene mutation and disease are rare.

If poorly controlled polycystic kidney disease renal insufficiency symptoms, we must take active blocking fibrosis. While controlling or reducing the cyst, the cyst to reduce the pressure on the surrounding tissue as soon as possible, while blocking the damaged tissue fibrosis, recovery of injured tissue, thereby leading to minimal damage dirty pain, maximize the recovery of renal function.

The sooner the better treatment of renal cysts, above, hope that the majority of patients can be early detection and early treatment to prevent disease progression to cause the occurrence of uremia. For more available for online consultation.


