
It is what causes polycystic kidney disease

What causes polycystic kidney disease? Many people do not understand polycystic kidney, polycystic kidney cortex and medulla have multiple cysts of a hereditary kidney disease. Its onset familial aggregation of both men and women have made serious harm the health of patients, following advice from the kidney disease center experts tell us something about what causes polycystic kidney disease.

It is what causes polycystic kidney disease

(A) causes

The cause is polycystic gene deletion. Where adult polycystic kidney disease is often genetic chromosome 16 deletion, accidental deletion of chromosome 4 is a gene, is 100% penetrance autosomal dominant, therefore, single chromosomal deletion will make children have a 50% The possibility of genetic disease. Infantile polycystic kidney disease is autosomal recessive, both parents genetic changes of the disease to their children, the incidence probability of 25%.

(B) the pathogenesis

The pathogenesis is unknown. Hilde-brand and so that polycystic kidney disease may be derived from the balloon dilation Bowman, also may be caused by the expansion of the renal tubule made by the Department of Developmental germ from renal glomerulus, the renal tubule and Wolffian duct development from sake of communication between the manifold by obstacles; Bialestack suggested that some cysts are abnormal increase in renal units, called nephrons giant. Also that some cysts have excretory functions; Bricker et cyst liquid for chemical analysis, to prove their contents and urine are similar; Norris and so that is because a lot of temporary renal unit can not be normal after shrinking part of the nephron occur Local constriction and sub-section, thus forming cysts of different sizes; Hepler, etc. are considered to be the kidney blood circulation distribution is not normal, causing the degeneration of the results of renal parenchyma; Hidd-brant think secreted portion (from kidney tissue of the renal tubule and some glomeruli) and excretory part (derived from the ureteric bud manifold, pelvis, etc.) in the developmental stages of losing contact with each other, secreted portion become blind side, unable to discharge their secretions, so the formation of most of the cyst; another man believed to be mechanical factors such as local inflammation caused fetal period excretory duct obstruction fibers, or due to the solubility of calcium tube and not blocked, so that the urine caused by poor renal tubular expand results.


