
How traditional therapy treatment of polycystic kidney disease?

How traditional therapy treatment of polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease is a multi-hereditary. When polycystic kidney disease, cysts on the kidney structure will have a huge destructive, it can cause kidney dysfunction, severe uremia can lead to kidney failure. We all know that traditional therapy has a long history in our country, there are a lot of unknown etiology or Western medicine can not treat the disease, it will be solved by conventional therapy, polycystic kidney disease as well. Western medicine in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease by surgery or treatment of multiple puncture, but easy to relapse, can not completely cure. So, how to treat polycystic traditional therapy? Here's a look at some of the presentation of our kidney experts have made it for everyone.
Traditional therapy how to treat polycystic kidney disease experts say we?:
1, qi and blood circulation: Because wet stasis kidney, can obstruct air machine, causing blood stasis, blood water became mutual suffering, so the treatment should be a message qi and blood circulation. There hematuria heat to stop bleeding; stasis block facie waist, blood circulation and pain; fever, abdominal pain, detoxification, blood circulation.
2, righting: the waist discomfort, or a family history of polycystic kidney disease patients, kidney yang deficiency who early partial, partial kidney yin and kidney polycystic kidney disease early when no evident symptoms, or.
3, both specimens: polycystic kidney disease in the later stages, with the first kidney Division, within the toxic cloud from off grid severe stop, so it should be wet muddy dampness Huazhuo; there is water vapor, should diuresis gas line. In short, the treatment should be both specimens, Guben have Yin, Qi, kidney, spleen and other laws, the symptoms include heat, dampness, blood, blood, Pingganxifeng and other laws.
Is our nephrologist more about how traditional therapies for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease some relevant details described, I hope we can bring some help. If you have any do not understand, I welcome you to click on the consultation online experts.


What specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have it

Specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have what? Polycystic kidney parenchyma numerous cysts of varying sizes, the larger can be large, small ones can only be visible to the naked eye, so that the entire increase in renal volume, surface was rugged cystic projections, light yellow capsule slurry, and sometimes because of bleeding and dark brown or reddish-brown. There are two types of polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. So what specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have? Here, please come to our nephrologist detailed introduction about it.
What specific symptoms of polycystic kidney disease have it?
1. nephropathy progression of renal enlargement sides asymmetry, there are differences in size, to the late two kidneys may occupy the entire abdominal cavity, renal cysts have a lot of fabric surface, so that kidney-shaped irregular, uneven, hard.
2. important symptom for kidney pain, often for lower back pressure or dull, there are pain, sometimes abdominal pain. Pain may be due to physical activity, walking for too long, sedentary exacerbated after bed reduce. Renal hemorrhage due to move stones or infection is sudden severe pain.
3. About half of patients showed microscopic hematuria hematuria, may have episodes of gross hematuria, the Department of the cyst wall caused by ruptured blood vessels. Bleeding for a long time can cause colic clot through the ureter. White blood cells in urine is often accompanied by hematuria and proteinuria, urinary protein less, usually less than 1.0g / d. Obviously when pyuria kidney infection, hematuria aggravated, low back pain with fever.
4. Hypertension is a common manifestation of ADPKD, not before serum creatinine increased, about half of high blood pressure, which is the cyst oppression surrounding tissue, activation of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system related. The past 10 years, Graham PC, Torre V and Chapman AB confirmed that the disease so normal kidney tissue, increased interstitial between the cyst and cyst epithelial cells adjacent renin granules, and renin secretion. These are closely related to the growth of cysts and hypertension. In other words, the emergence of hypertension cyst is growing rapidly, it can directly affect the prognosis.


What is polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to diet

Polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what diet? Now everyone pay attention to the role of diet, many seriously ill diet also have their own requirements, not just this kind you eat, especially polycystic kidney disease. So diet polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what? Here please our nephrologist for everyone to explain in detail the relevant content bar.
1, offal foods: polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what diet made of cooked animal offal polycystic kidney disease patients not suitable for human consumption, especially liver, China sent a message saying, what to eat, make up what is, in fact, not so? In the process of killing animals left many toxins in the liver, kidney, especially the liver, liver function is detoxification, metabolic toxins many animals are left in the gut, if the patients taking these substances invisible to increase the burden on the kidneys, worse .
2, high-protein food: Every kidney disease, it should be low-protein diet and avoid nitrogen metabolites in vivo synthesis, reduce the renal excretion of force. Such as soy, tofu and other soy products.
3, fermented foods: polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to what diet are talking about here is mainly bacteria fermented food becomes fermented foods, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs class?. Avoid eating these will be beneficial cyst growth.

4. alcoholic beverages: alcohol, especially wine, in terms of the polycystic kidney disease patients should quit, alcohol and kidney irritation of important advantages. It can stimulate the activity of polycystin accelerate cyst growth.


What is polycystic kidney disease treatment is important

What important treatment of polycystic kidney disease is? Polycystic kidney disease is a normal manifestation of kidney damage, there is good and timely treatment of polycystic kidney disease and timely control of the disease, what treatments are polycystic important? To address this problem, we take a detailed look at, hope the following content to help you.
[A] treatment of polycystic kidney general treatment: Under normal circumstances, after the Attorney General of polycystic kidney disease patients, first to maintain an optimistic attitude, if not yet the impact on the patient's normal life, usually need to be careful not to eat or eat less salty, spicy foods such as irritation, schedule to the law, the mood to steady optimism; if the impact on the normal life of the patient, usually pay attention to more than a few, but also for the treatment, and the sooner the better, otherwise let it progress to renal failure and uremia, too late.
[B] treatment of polycystic kidney disease cyst decortication: This surgery reduces the cyst oppression of the renal parenchyma, love the majority of the remaining nephrons from extrusion and further damage, renal ischemia situation has improved partly restored kidney function unit, delaying the progression of the disease. The key to successful operation is an operation as soon as possible, cyst decompression is necessary thoroughly, discarding small cysts and deep cyst decompression. Bilateral should surgery, general surgery bilateral interval of six months or more. Advanced cases such as existing renal impairment in azotemia, uremia, whether or not associated with high blood pressure, reduced pressure treatment has been meaningless, surgery to combat anti may be worse.
Treatment of polycystic kidney disease [three] traditional Chinese medicine: the current traditional treatments take conservative therapy in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the effect is very good. Traditional therapies to adopt the overall concept and Differential Treatment, polycystic kidney disease that is the result of interaction of external and internal factors, through a step diversion, gradually let cyst liquid discharge, to make the cyst gradually narrow purposes. Although conventional gene therapy can not overcome the problem, but the effect of conservative treatment is Western medicine can not be compared, and substantially non-toxic side effects, less recurrence.
Treatment of polycystic kidney disease [four] Dialysis and Transplantation: to end stage renal failure, dialysis treatment should be immediately in order to preferred hemodialysis. Polycystic kidney transplant survival rates and other reasons, the treatments were similar, but also associated with the disease, increasing the difficulty of postoperative treatment, affecting transplantation.
Above is an important method of treatment of polycystic kidney disease is related to what is described, it is not a certain understanding of it. We hope friends of patients to pay attention to their health and actively to the regular professional hospital treatment carried out. If you have any other questions please consult online experts who will give you a better answer.


What treatment of polycystic kidney disease is different periods

[First] for the occurrence of
The disease is hereditary disease, usually birth cyst, but a small, easy to find, 20 years ago generally difficult to find, but if the family polycystic kidney disease patients should be early detection, and early growth conditions observed cyst . Attention to maintenance.
[Second] growing
Patients 30-40 years of age, the cyst will have a faster growth, medically referred to the growing period. Growing should strengthen the observation, doctors have no way to treat this period that do not need treatment, only symptomatic treatment, such as high blood pressure, which seemed very passive. During this period should remain active treatment, the treatment aims through the use of a strong role in blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, so that the cyst no longer grow or retard growth of cysts, to prolong the life of the role, it can be said that this is Chinese medicine blood circulation retard cyst growth critical period.
[Third] enlargement of
Patients entered the 40 years of age, there will be further growth of cyst enlargement, when after more than 4cm cyst, the cyst ulceration this period, called enlargement period. With the expansion of cysts occur more clinical symptoms, such as back pain, proteinuria, hematuria, blood pressure, etc., then it should close observation, in the treatment of this period is a critical period of Chinese and Western combined treatment. Chinese medicine blood circulation can detox Xiezhuo by removing hazards renal cyst fluid aim to protect renal function, therefore, polycystic kidney enlargement is a critical period of Integrative Medicine to protect renal function.
[Fourth] rupture of
Such as cysts continue to grow, and in some external action, there will be ulceration, ulceration should be hospitalized immediately after treatment, and actively control the infection and prevent sepsis and acute worsening of renal function, in order to facilitate other symptomatic treatment.
Above is related presentations have to say that the diet of uremic patients, we are not a certain understanding of it. We hope friends of patients to pay attention to their health and actively to the regular professional hospital treatment carried out. If you have any other questions please consult online experts who will give you a better answer.


Polycystic kidney disease progression treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary cystic diseases are generally born with a small cyst, but it is not easy to detect. So polycystic kidney disease progression is how like? Following on from my hospital experts on this question for everyone to do the next introduction.
Polycystic kidney disease progression --20 years ago
Generally difficult to find, but if the family polycystic kidney disease patients should be early detection, and early growth conditions cyst was observed. Attention to maintenance.
Polycystic kidney disease progression --30-40 years
Cyst will grow faster, medically referred to the growing period. Growing should strengthen the observation, doctors have no way to treat this period that do not need treatment, only symptomatic treatment, such as high blood pressure, which seemed very passive. During this period should remain active treatment, the treatment aims through the use of a strong role in blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, so that the cyst no longer grow or retard growth of cysts, to prolong the life of the role, it can be said that this is Chinese medicine blood circulation retard cyst growth critical period.
Polycystic kidney disease after the age of development --0
There will be further growth of cyst enlargement, when after more than 4cm cyst, the cyst ulceration this period, called enlargement period. With the expansion of cysts occur more clinical symptoms, such as back pain, proteinuria, hematuria, blood pressure, etc., then it should close observation, in the treatment of this period is a critical period of Chinese and Western combined treatment. Chinese medicine blood circulation can detox Xiezhuo by removing hazards renal cyst fluid aim to protect renal function, therefore, polycystic kidney enlargement of Integrative Medicine is to protect renal function of the critical period,
Such as cysts continue to grow, and in some external action, there will be ulceration, ulceration should be hospitalized immediately after treatment, and actively control the infection and prevent sepsis and acute worsening of renal function, in order to facilitate other symptomatic treatment. If the development is uremia.
These are the experts on the development of polycystic kidney disease related to introduction, we are aware of it, hoping to pay more attention, experts advise checking result of the determination after receiving timely treatment, so as not to lead to more serious consequences, if still in doubt, then you can click on the online experts to conduct detailed consultation.


How the treatment of polycystic kidney disease late

Because early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease is not obvious, so that many patients have a prevalence has been found to advanced polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease advanced so can be cured? Polycystic late how to treat it? Here we just listen to how the hospital experts answer this topic.
How the treatment of polycystic kidney disease late - Dialysis
In the early stages of treatment, should be the first effective control bleeding, replenish the blood flow, blood pressure control and timely, regular hemodialysis, the above treatment will help to correct the optic nerve damage in patients with polycystic kidney uremia.
How advanced the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - other adjuvant therapy
Increasing the lead to two with renal cysts were increased, especially in the left kidney, thereby causing serious damage to the left kidney function, excretion function poison reduce, and ultimately had to be removed. Now charged with two kidneys kidney function, because the same damage, and the resulting large number of toxins accumulated in uremic patients with polycystic kidney, causing elevated creatinine, metabolic waste retention, water and electrolyte imbalance, severe systemic damage. At this point in correcting optic nerve damage, based on the application of anti-infective blood transfusion together with other symptomatic treatment, so the patient's condition stabilized.
How advanced the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - a traditional Chinese medicine therapy
Polycystic kidney disease etiology: polycystic kidney cyst increases in process due to compression of the renal cysts and renal vascular tissue, so that the kidney ischemia, hypoxia, leading to endothelial cell damage, attracting inflammatory cell infiltration, inflammatory response, renal fibrosis starts, releasing a series of induced renal toxicity factor makes natural cells phenotypic transformation, instead of healthy kidney tissue, and gradually form a scar and, ultimately, to end-stage renal failure - uremia.

Traditional therapy for polycystic kidney disease: to use traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease uremia, by polycystic kidney disease peripheral vascular dilation, accelerate blood circulation wall, further inhibits the cyst wall epithelial cell distribution, prevent cysts continue to increase . Also in the course of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine also added organic acids, vitamins and other nutrients needed to repair the kidneys, eventually preventing further deterioration of renal disease. This is the treatment of polycystic kidney disease good treatment.


What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease

With the continuous development of modern medicine polycystic kidney disease, the treatment methods are also constantly increasing, its each method has its role, for polycystic kidney disease patients, the use of which method should be based on their condition and treatment cause to judge. Then the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, what does?
1. What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - traditional Chinese medicine:
Chinese medicine treatment is the treatment of polycystic kidney disease good treatment, conventional therapy in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease treated conservatively terms (taking the medicine), the effect is very good. Traditional therapy using the overall concept and Differential Treatment that polycystic kidney disease is the result of joint action of external and internal factors, the diversion by rung, and gradually let cyst liquid discharge, to make the cyst gradually narrow purposes. Non-toxic side effects of traditional Chinese medicine, less recurrence.
2. What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - Dialysis and Transplantation:
To end stage renal failure, dialysis treatment should be immediately in order to preferred hemodialysis. Polycystic kidney transplant survival rates and other reasons, the treatments were similar, but also associated with the disease, increasing the difficulty of postoperative treatment, affecting transplantation.
3. What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - the general treatment:
Under normal circumstances, patients with polycystic kidney disease after checking out, first of all to maintain an optimistic attitude. Usually need to pay attention not to eat less salty, spicy, spicy food, time to the law, to have a smooth optimistic mood.
4. What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - cyst decortication:
Reduce the cyst oppression of the renal parenchyma, the majority of the remaining nephrons protection against extrusion and further damage, renal ischemia situation has improved, and some renal units have been restored, delaying the progression of the disease.
5, hematuria treatment:
When hematuria, in addition to a clear reason given treatment as soon as possible, but should reduce activity or bed rest. Dialysis or dialysis patients has been forthcoming, such as severe recurrent hematuria can not control, consider using transcatheter renal artery embolization.
6. What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - polycystic kidney infection treatment:
Renal parenchymal infection and cyst infection is a major complication of the disease, generally the principle of combined antibiotics.
7. What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - Upper urinary tract calculi treatment:
For treatment of urinary tract stones processed according to principles based on the location and size of the stones.
8. What are the treatment of polycystic kidney disease - hypertension:
Renal ischemia and renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system activation, is the main reason for the occurrence of hypertension, antihypertensive drugs should so choose.

These are the methods of treatment of polycystic kidney specialist you a brief introduction of what? If you have any questions about aspects of polycystic kidney disease, please consult our online experts, our experts believe will give you a satisfactory answer, I wish you a speedy recovery!


Polycystic kidney disease can be much longer

Polycystic kidney disease, some people may not understand it, but for patients with kidney disease are sure it is not strange, polycystic kidney disease is one of multiple kidney disease, its treatment, or has made some progress, then He had polycystic kidney disease can live how long? Here on our experts to analyze.
Experts say: Impact polycystic kidney disease can be much longer for many reasons, and early polycystic kidney disease if we can get the right treatment, the life of the patient is not affected. So in the end affect the cause of polycystic kidney disease can be much longer, what does Here we have three terms?:
First, eating and living habits
A good diet can help to repair the kidney organ, eat light food, eat greasy spicy food, be careful not to eat too much, to develop good health habits.
Second, the treatment
Be sure to go to a professional look nephrotic kidney hospital, only to have to ensure that hospitals can be optimistic about the disease.
Third, the renal function
Under normal circumstances, no special treatment is not the incidence of early onset, you should immediately seek medical treatment, early diagnosis and treatment, kidney damage is not heavy at this time, through treatment, is expected to resume; the late onset severe renal impairment, to renal failure, then you need consider doing a dialysis treatment.
By polycystic kidney problems described above can be much longer, I think we already know, so once suffering from kidney disease, we must choose authoritative and professional kidney hospital for examination and treatment. It is the only responsible for themselves and their families, but also to the health of patients and optimistic attitude in the face of disease, early aggressive treatment with specialists, as soon as possible so that the disease has been effectively controlled, to avoid the appearance of uremia.


Good treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a congenital genetic disease, its etiology is more complex, it is made in the kidney cysts of varying sizes filled with enlargement, leading to kidney volume increases and compression of renal parenchyma, thus renal dysfunction and gradually deterioration, progression to polycystic kidney disease uremia. Polycystic kidney disease has the characteristics of high, high hazard. So what is it good treatment of polycystic kidney disease?
Western medicine treatment of renal cysts are mainly two methods, one needle aspiration, the second is surgery. This treatment can indeed some large cyst eradication good, but when a large cyst once eradicated, small cysts is no resistance, it will soon become bigger gradually take over the role of the original large cysts, continuous damage to the kidneys. Therefore, surgical approach to the biggest drawbacks is palliative.
To find a good treatment of polycystic kidney disease, you should seize the key to the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease treatment is the key to shrink the cyst, spared increased in the number of cysts on the kidneys squeeze, as long as the capsule can be suppressed exudate, can reduce cysts, polycystic kidney can be firmly controlled.
Polycystic kidney disease good treatment: by improving the blood vessel wall and cyst circulation state, softening the wall, increasing the permeability of the external wall and the inhibition of cell wall secretion, fundamentally can reduce cyst pressure, blocking the progression of renal cystic fibrosis because the oppression caused by the treatment of polycystic kidney disease fundamentally, the condition is no longer repeated episodes!
Through detailed above, we believe that patients and friends should understand the good treatment of polycystic kidney disease. Patients to specific conditions for their own situation, and timely to the hospital, so as to play a good therapeutic effect. If you have additional questions, please click on the online experts, who will do for you more detail.



What is it the cause of polycystic kidney disease

Speaking of polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney disease etiology explain. Many of my friends are a lot of you want to find out, because in today, with the continuous growth of kidney disease patients, patients with polycystic kidney disease is constantly grew, and for this to the patient's health caused great injuries disease, small or positive recommendation to understand the disease, cystic kidney disease because so many difficult explain what is it?
Everyone knows polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, for many patients who are inherited, sub infantile and adult type, which is relatively rare infantile, adult polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal significantly Genetic, polycystic kidney disease is a common, the incidence rate of about 1/1250, accounting for 10% of ESRD. Polycystic kidney cysts patient with age gradually increases, if not controlled in time, renal cysts continues to increase, there will be oppression around the renal unit will cause the damage, to start the process of renal fibrosis , an early manifestation of urine tests appear: protein and blood cells; if the process of renal fibrosis has not been effectively curb, elevated serum creatinine occurs, eventually develop into end-stage renal failure.
Of course, the cause of polycystic kidney disease in patients with genetic factors in addition to the above, many of the acquired risk factors is indispensable, such as toxins stimulus, a variety of infections, toxins in the human body can cause a variety of cellular tissue and organ damage, not only a threat to the safety of human life, but also lead to human gene mutation, cell mutation, these are likely to induce the appearance of polycystic kidney disease; infection can also cause abnormal body environment, which lead to a favorable change in gene cyst generating environment, to promote internal factors enhance the activity of cysts, eventually leading to the occurrence of polycystic kidney disease. 90% adpkd patients with abnormal gene located on the short arm of chromosome 16, called adpkd1 gene, the gene product is unclear. Many coding genes in the region have been elucidated by cloning, is expected in the near future, adpkd1 can be confirmed. Another 10% less than the abnormal gene in patients with short arm of chromosome 4 is located, called adpkd2 gene, which encodes a product is also unclear. The two groups in the onset of hypertension appear and enter the age of renal failure vary.
Specific factor in the pathogenesis of this disease is actually uncertain course, and today's medical standards are related. Although most symptoms after only adult, but formed in the fetal period begins. Cyst originated in the renal tubules, its liquid properties vary with the site of origin, originated in the proximal tubule, the cyst fluid ingredients such as na +, k +, ci-, h +, creatinine, urea and plasma is similar; it originated in the distal within the cyst fluid na +, k + concentration is low, higher ci-, h +, creatinine and urea concentrations.
For the majority of patients suffering from polycystic kidney disease, their glomerular capsule epithelial cells different from normal growth is also one of significant features, in a mature state of incomplete or re-development, is highly suggestive of bacterial The mature regulatory obstacles, the cells in an immature state, which shows a strong proliferative. On this abnormal cell transport is another significant feature adpkd, the performance is closely related to cellular transport na + -k + -atpase subunit composition, distribution alter the expression and activity; cell signaling abnormalities and changes in ion transport channels. Extracellular matrix dysplasia is adpkd third significant feature.
Above is about polycystic kidney disease etiology tells you about the small series, and if you have on other aspects of the disease of doubt, it is recommended that you have a lot of small series and specialist doctors attending and actively communicate with. After all, for the majority of patients with a friend, if the treatment is not timely, it will give patients life-threatening, please pay attention to starting therapy to Oh!


Had polycystic kidney disease causes other diseases

She had kidney disease is very stressful thing to make natural, because the kidneys are important organs of the body, are responsible for a very important role in the body. If the lesion is bound to cause great negative effect. The following is a kidney disease called polycystic kidney disease presentation, so kidney disease itself is not only ill, and if not treated or not treated properly care is likely to induce other diseases. Here are just about what polycystic kidney complication is that the onset of complications associated while also triggered other aspects of the disease. Therefore, patients in this respect should be more attention.
First, abdominal swelling materials: For the majority of patients suffering from polycystic kidney disease, if is the emergence of the phenomenon of swelling can be unilateral or bilateral sizes palpable abdominal mass, and will With the breathing and movement, accompanied by tenderness infection. Polycystic kidney disease patients with bilateral palpable abdominal mass is about 50% -80%, about 15% -30% one-sided.
Second, high blood pressure: Speaking of high blood pressure, which is the frequency in patients with polycystic species relatively high complication of a disease, which accounts for 50% -60%. Usually before renal dysfunction have occurred, and accompanied by headache, dizziness, hyperactivity closely related to the renin-angiotensin system.
Third, urinary abnormalities: abnormal urine for the patient's main manifestation is proteinuria, or hematuria, which is one of the more early symptoms of patients. Appears most of proteinuria, and glomerular barrier function of a relationship, hematuria patients find themselves suffering from polycystic kidney disease polycystic main factors examined.
Fourth, anemia: In general, as long as polycystic kidney disease patients with anemia usually turn from light weight of the phenomenon, and will often accompanied by nocturnal. This symptom generally and kidneys secrete erythropoietin decreasing kidney function decline.
Fifth, the patient's waist, abdominal pain or discomfort localized: In general, for the majority of patients, the early symptoms are more prone to this performance, mainly for low back pressure, sometimes severe pain. Can be expressed as the mechanism of intermittent or continuous seizures, sometimes manifested as abdominal pain, pain in the upper abdomen, groin, back, chest radiology, pain may be due to running, sedentary, activity intensified, patients are forced to stay in bed, pain can occur due to the increase and expansion of the kidney, the renal capsule capsular tension increases lead to compression of adjacent organs cited stretch tissue caused by the suspension.
Said concurrent symptoms of polycystic kidney disease patients on what is about, simply to be here, if you do not deep, then small advice your knowledge about the extent of the disease in a timely manner to the hospital and specialist online exchange, do not because the treatment is not timely, resulting in his illness worsened, so that their physical condition is more severe.


Polycystic what harm it

Kidney is one of the more important organs of the body, of course, is relatively easy onset of kidney organ, such as uremia, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidney disease, etc., are the renal organ there is a problem, of course, polycystic kidney disease is more A severe kidney disease, the level of understanding in view of everyone for this disease is relatively small, small in here to give you a simple explanation of polycystic kidney harm!
Just harm a single kidney cyst is likely to develop into a malignant cyst, but it rarely attack. The harm is not the same as polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease increases with cystic process might render harm kidney function cells, polycystic kidney disease also will attack the harm that is causing the slow end late polycystic renal failure uremia attack. And polycystic renal dysfunction in clinical contrast common.
Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts said, the onset of polycystic kidney disease polycystic renal insufficiency patients are usually not the same in the future will show the extent of complications, such as high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and discomfort. Harm to polycystic kidney disease polycystic renal dysfunction also presented as a. Polycystic kidney disease hazard is the clinical manifestations of polycystic renal insufficiency presented after the performance.
As with the unity of renal cysts, usually due to other diseases when viewed, it was discovered. Because cancer cells that may have a cyst, so the doctor will ask you to bear further view - for example, do a ultrasound viewing. As a physician will let you do attract danger cyst surgery, should be carefully considered open renal cyst treatment relapse, repeat.
In regard to the treatment of polycystic kidney disease will have to adhere to early detection, early treatment guidelines, and polycystic kidney disease treatment process should be to prevent the formation of open surgery for kidney further harm. Inappropriate treatment due to increase harm reduction polycystic kidney disease, premature presenting renal insufficiency.


Polycystic how to maintain it

Among all kidney, polycystic kidney disease can be regarded as a more serious kidney disease, the treatment of this disease is not easy to recover, so the disease often affects the normal life of patients, and thus for the patient's psychological also caused a serious injury during the treatment of polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to maintenance, especially nurses do to help patients living care, which can reduce the suffering of patients, and more favorable treatment. The following brief polycystic kidney patient care considerations.
First, polycystic kidney care needs to control the blood pressure, hypertension, renal presentation will accelerate the harm, it needs good control of blood pressure in patients with polycystic kidney to postpone the rate of deterioration of renal function, prevent critical complications.
Second, to prevent colds, polycystic kidney disease patients, such as colds, especially repeated colds will make polycystic kidney patient harm intensifies one point, play a role in the deterioration of adding insult to injury. These are first and foremost about polycystic maintenance methods.
Third, the constant enlargement of polycystic kidney cyst will cause cysts cuff pressure continues to grow, so any little minor injuries, such as sprains, bumps, falls and other dirt will increase the internal pressure or abdominal trauma external direct impact on the enlargement of the cyst, cyst rupture promote a high internal pressure, bleeding, it is easy to induce infection. This is one of polycystic kidney disease maintenance issues.
Polycystic kidney care about more than simply give you a talk, and polycystic kidney disease for health hazards is quite large, it is proposed that the majority of the friends must pay attention to the treatment of disease, of course, in the treatment of tips, If you want to better alleviate the suffering of patients, the best treatment is aggressive disease!


How to avoid it hereditary polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease. This means that the chance of infection by the parents is still very large, I think all parents want to see their children because of their patients with this disease. So in science and technology so advanced today have it so there is a way to avoid it genetic? Following on from the small series to introduce you to it.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Health experts point out that in fact favorably angle, the current medical standards still have to deal with a way. Just need to pay more attention on something, people are still suffering from polycystic kidney disease to avoid the disease to the next generation, and give birth to healthy children.
Premarital examination is possible and to avoid both marriage for men and women suffering from kidney cysts by B-ultrasound can reduce the incidence of polycystic kidney disease. Although this is an aspect of the people to avoid polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease patients but could not get married, so parents polycystic kidney disease is still there, then they should be how to avoid it?
Polycystic kidney disease patients the first 10 weeks of pregnancy should be "cyst gene" test of amniotic fluid or chorionic villus. Since the disease was 50% of the inheritance of (unilateral sick parents), check the molecular genetics of polycystic kidney disease can help families choose a healthy child, and this child will no longer carry the genes affect future generations.
So if polycystic family if you want a healthy baby, the examination must be the best in the marriage, the genetic probability to a minimum, give yourself nurture a healthy baby. And the disease is autosomal dominant, follow the laws of dominant inheritance of future generations are not sick child healthy population. I hope the above introduction to some of you and help patients, if there is any doubt, you can consult our experts online.


Diet recipe treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Chinese medicine is profound contributed in the development of the Chinese nation. Chinese medicine is the concept of therapeutic treatment of a disease. The so-called Medicinal and Edible. Following on from the small series to introduce you to some of the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease medicated formula.
First, the liver and kidney, liver yang: Main symptoms visible dizziness, tinnitus, waist and knee pain, abdominal discomfort, sleep soundly at night Qianan, flushing, mouth and throat, five upset hot, constipation, red tongue, yellow and dry, pulse breakdown and string and the like. This type more common in polycystic kidney disease with hypertension, should adopt nourish liver and kidney, Liver and yang and other rule is, its diet to restore party as follows:
Tianma, Chrysanthemum, moutan each 12g, white peony root, abalone each 30g, Prunella, Achyranthes, habitat, Alisma 15g, Poria, Motherwort, Salvia 20g, corn 100g, sugar amount. Before 12 flavor decoction juice, into the corn congee, add sugar to taste Serve. One day, divided into 2 doses.
Second, the deficiency heat, forcing the blood down-type: Main symptoms visible abdominal mass, waist and knee pain, five upset hot, hot urinary Sechi, dry stool, red tongue, dry mouth hi drink, rapid pulse and so on. This type more common in polycystic kidney disease associated with hematuria, should adopt Ziyinqingre, cooling bleeding and other rule is, its diet to restore as follows:
Anemarrhena, Cork, fried Puhuang 12g, habitat, yam each 15g, cornus, Dan, fried Gardenia the 10g, Alisma, Poria 20g, thistle 30g, raw lotus root 300g, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount. The first 11 flavor decoction juice, into the raw lotus root cook crisp cooked, add salt, MSG seasoning Serve. 1 day, 2 times adorned taking.
Habitat, Achyranthes, raw keel, raw oysters, madder each 30g, white peony, Dan, Cyperus rotundus 12g, blood over charcoal, Puhuang the 10g, turtle meat 300g, wine, onion, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount. Top 10 flavor decoction juice, into the turtle meat and spices cooked Sulan can. One day, twice adorned taking.
Diet recipe above is Xiaobian to introduce you, and hope to be able to help you in this small series to remind you that in life we ​​want to maintain good health, regular checks to avoid wrong diagnosis delayed treatment. These are just a small part, if the patient is still interested. Online consultation hospital specialists to introduce you to do more.


What reason does the incidence of polycystic kidney disease

90% of patients with polycystic kidney disease abnormal gene is located on the 16th chromosome short arm, known as polycystic kidney disease 1 gene, the gene product is unclear. Another 10% less than the abnormal gene in patients with short arm of chromosome 4 is located, called polycystic kidney disease 2 gene, which encodes products are also unclear. The two groups in the onset of hypertension appear and enter the age of renal failure vary.
The exact cause of this disease is unclear. Although most symptoms after only adult, but formed in the fetal period begins. Cyst originated in the renal tubules, its liquid properties vary with the site of origin, originated in the proximal tubule, the cyst fluid ingredients such as Na +, K +, Cl-, H +, creatinine, urea and plasma is similar; it originated in the distal within the cyst fluid Na +, K + concentration is low, a high Cl-, H +, creatinine and urea concentrations.
Polycystic kidney disease in patients with glomerular capsule abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells is one of the salient features of polycystic kidney disease, in a mature state of incomplete or re-development, is highly suggestive of cell maturation regulatory obstacles, the cells in a species immature state, thereby displaying strong proliferative. Abnormal epithelial transport is another significant feature of polycystic kidney disease, is closely related to the performance of cellular transport of Na + -K + -AT enzyme subunit composition, distribution and alter the activity of expression; cell signaling abnormalities and changes in ion transport channels. Extracellular matrix dysplasia is the third significant feature of polycystic kidney disease.
Many studies have shown: These abnormalities are involved in cell growth factor-related activity. But the key links and abnormal ways not yet understood. In short, due to a genetic defect caused the change of cell growth and the formation of interstitial abnormalities, one of the important pathogenesis of disease-oriented.
Among living people only understand the causes polycystic kidney disease, in order to better help people do a good job for polycystic kidney disease prevention. Polycystic kidney disease in real life not only has a relatively high incidence of this disease and after a patient brought to our kidney health hazard is relatively large, so I hope that every patient can pay attention to active treatment and care.


How to prevent it normal polycystic kidney disease

Renal cyst literally understanding the disease is kidney cyst inside long. With the growth of cysts, but also damage to the patient or even function. So, in addition to medical treatment, life there is no health measures? Here we take a look.
First, adequate sleep time. A course of treatment more concerned about the rest of the project and polycystic kidney disease should pay attention to. For everyone is essential information, particularly in patients with kidney disease friend should get more rest. Sitting or standing crooked neck training, polycystic kidney disease treatment is very important. Avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma, to avoid cyst rupture.
Second, should actively prevent infection. Female friends must pay attention to pay attention to the third term treatment of polycystic kidney disease, because most women patients urinary tract infection. But you do not worry because there are many kinds of preventive measures. Polycystic kidney disease treatment: bath and shower; avoid holding back urine; stool behind the toilet brush; note genital hygiene; cleaning the vulva immediately after urination, sexual life; try to avoid urinary catheterization and other inspection equipment.
Third, maintain a good attitude is very important. Polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney patient attitude is a matter in the course of treatment should pay attention to the most important one. No matter what the disease in the course of treatment, maintain a good attitude is very important. Friends of patients who must maintain an optimistic attitude, I believe you will overcome the disease. Polycystic kidney disease is a result of the interaction of congenital and acquired a variety of factors combined, the research found that all of these factors can be changed, in order to eliminate or control. Polycystic kidney disease should pay attention to in the course of treatment we know.
Small series to introduce you to some of polycystic kidney disease prevention methods, although not exhaustive. But also covers some of the content, we take a look at, and apply their knowledge, so as to have a preventive effect of polycystic kidney disease. In addition, sick to seek medical treatment as early as possible, and timely treatment to a speedy recovery.


Polycystic kidney disease is what caused it

90% of patients with polycystic kidney disease abnormal gene is located on the 16th chromosome short arm, known as polycystic kidney disease 1 gene, the gene product is unclear. Another 10% less than the abnormal gene in patients with short arm of chromosome 4 is located, called polycystic kidney disease 2 gene, which encodes products are also unclear. The two groups in the onset of hypertension appear and enter the age of renal failure vary.
The exact cause of this disease is unclear. Although most symptoms after only adult, but formed in the fetal period begins. Cyst originated in the renal tubules, its liquid properties vary with the site of origin, originated in the proximal tubule, the cyst fluid ingredients such as Na +, K +, Cl-, H +, creatinine, urea and plasma is similar; it originated in the distal within the cyst fluid Na +, K + concentration is low, a high Cl-, H +, creatinine and urea concentrations.
Polycystic kidney disease in patients with glomerular capsule abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells is one of the salient features of polycystic kidney disease, in a mature state of incomplete or re-development, is highly suggestive of cell maturation regulatory obstacles, the cells in a species immature state, thereby displaying strong proliferative. Abnormal epithelial transport is another significant feature of polycystic kidney disease, is closely related to the performance of cellular transport of Na + -K + -ATP enzyme subunit composition, distribution and alter the activity of expression; cell signaling abnormalities and changes in ion transport channels. Extracellular matrix dysplasia is the third significant feature of polycystic kidney disease.
Many studies have shown: These abnormalities are involved in cell growth factor-related activity. But the key links and abnormal ways not yet understood. In short, due to a genetic defect caused the change of cell growth and the formation of interstitial abnormalities, one of the important pathogenesis of disease-oriented.
Among living people only understand the causes polycystic kidney disease, in order to better help people do a good job for polycystic kidney disease prevention. Polycystic kidney disease in real life not only has a relatively high incidence of this disease and after a patient brought to our kidney health hazard is relatively large, so I hope that every patient can pay attention to active treatment and care.


Polycystic kidney disease, what does harm

The only hazard is the single renal cysts may develop into malignant cyst, but it rarely happens. And polycystic kidney harm is different, polycystic kidney disease increases with cystic kidney function may occur during cell injury, polycystic kidney disease also will produce the harm that is polycystic kidney disease leading to chronic end-stage renal failure occurs uremia . And polycystic kidney dysfunction in clinical practice more common.
Experts said, polycystic kidney disease patients often have polycystic renal dysfunction after different degrees of complications, such as high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and other discomfort. Harm to polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney dysfunction also appears as a. Polycystic kidney disease hazards clinical symptoms after polycystic renal dysfunction is performance.
As with the unity of renal cysts, often due to other diseases during inspection, it was discovered. Because cancer cells that may have a cyst, so the doctor will call you for further examination - an example to do an ultrasound. As the doctor will let you attract when cyst surgery done, should be carefully considered open renal cyst treatment relapse, dangerous repeated.

For the treatment of polycystic kidney disease will have to adhere to early detection and early treatment principle, and polycystic kidney treatment should avoid open surgery cause further damage to the kidneys. Reduce improper treatment of polycystic kidney disease increased harm, premature renal insufficiency.



Polycystic kidney disease causes and manifestations of what?

In recent years, increasing the value of polycystic kidney disease, in the end is what causes it? Symptom of polycystic kidney disease manifestations, what does? Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, autosomal dominant at birth he had been carrying. Polycystic kidney disease is divided into three types, adult polycystic kidney disease is the most common.

1. What is polycystic kidney disease: Adult polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney cortex and medulla full because many thin-walled spherical cyst is named, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease.

2, because the formation of polycystic kidney disease: the manifold and distal convoluted tubule nephron connection embryonic some mistakes due. Because cyst oppression renal unit, causing local renal obstruction, affect renal function, often slowly cause renal failure, its incidence was no significant difference between men and women, the clinical diagnosis rate is not high, it is often misdiagnosed.

3, clinical symptoms: general personnel after 40 years of the onset of symptoms of polycystic kidney disease, the most common symptoms are sick flank pain, hematuria. Most patients is associated with urinary tract infections, urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, 75% of patients with hypertension, but also with lung, spleen, pancreas, ovary cysts. Laboratory tests can be found in varying degrees of proteinuria, hematuria, anemia can occur late.

4, Clinical diagnosis: examination of decisive significance for the IVP; and B -, CT, X tomography, isotope renal scan can also be used as an important means of diagnosis. These are the answers to questions about "what causes and manifestations of polycystic kidney disease are", if you have any questions, you can consult our online experts, will give you a more detailed answer.

Methods of conservative treatment of polycystic kidney disease which T | T conservative treatment of polycystic kidney disease polycystic method which is a genetic disease, is a congenital kidney abnormalities?. With patient age, the cyst will gradually increase, renal dysfunction gradually worsened, and even the development of renal failure, advanced renal failure, uremia.


Pregnancy can cause polycystic kidney it?

There are many young women will ask a doctor pregnancy can cause polycystic kidney? Then pregnancy can cause polycystic kidney it? In clinical polycystic kidney disease is hereditary. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is divided into hereditary polycystic kidney disease and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease autosomal categories. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney common. ADPKD is autosomal dominant, which is characterized as having a familial aggregation, may be the disease of men and women, gender involvement opportunities are equal, successive generations can occur in patients. Factors that lead to polycystic kidney disease has multiple aspects. Thus, prevention of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease also need to resist the patients themselves to strengthen prevention.

In general, the impact of pregnancy on the course of polycystic kidney function mainly depends on the situation, although there is currently no information confirming pregnancy causes polycystic kidney disease course accelerate, but multiple pregnancy associated with hypertension and its prognosis is often poor, and 1/4 of polycystic kidney disease in pregnant women with new onset hypertension or pre-existing hypertension aggravated, so multiple pregnancy is a negative impact on the prognosis of women with polycystic kidney. Of course, this is normal renal function, such as greater polycystic kidney function is not normal female pregnancy risk. Infantile polycystic kidney disease is caused by how? Polycystic kidney disease in children is caused by how? There are many causes of infantile polycystic kidney disease, which is a genetic disease, will affect the health of children. Therefore, to treat the disease early is necessary to understand the cause lies.



Pregnancy can cause polycystic kidney it?

There are many young women will ask a doctor pregnancy can cause polycystic kidney? Then pregnancy can cause polycystic kidney it? In clinical polycystic kidney disease is hereditary. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is divided into hereditary polycystic kidney disease and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease autosomal categories. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney common. ADPKD is autosomal dominant, which is characterized as having a familial aggregation, may be the disease of men and women, gender involvement opportunities are equal, successive generations can occur in patients. Factors that lead to polycystic kidney disease has multiple aspects. Thus, prevention of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease also need to resist the patients themselves to strengthen prevention.

In general, the impact of pregnancy on the course of polycystic kidney function mainly depends on the situation, although there is currently no information confirming pregnancy causes polycystic kidney disease course accelerate, but multiple pregnancy associated with hypertension and its prognosis is often poor, and 1/4 of polycystic kidney disease in pregnant women with new onset hypertension or pre-existing hypertension aggravated, so multiple pregnancy is a negative impact on the prognosis of women with polycystic kidney. Of course, this is normal renal function, such as greater polycystic kidney function is not normal female pregnancy risk.

Infantile polycystic kidney disease is caused by how? Polycystic kidney disease in children is caused by how? There are many causes of infantile polycystic kidney disease, which is a genetic disease, will affect the health of children. Therefore, to treat the disease early is necessary to understand the cause lies. (A) the pathogenesis of renal cysts are derived from kidney epithelial structure, originating in the tubular and Pao capsule. All renal cysts have some common structure into uremia can be much longer, how the cause, what are the symptoms of renal failure? Renal Failure called renal failure, is in the late development of a variety of kidney disease, the symptoms of kidney failure is more hidden, and some of the symptoms can easily be overlooked, the majority of patients with kidney disease should always pay attention to their own bodies, pay attention to changes in the indicators, and strive to achieve early detection and early treatment to prevent the development of kidney failure.

So, what are adult polycystic kidney disease renal failure prone to high blood pressure do adult polycystic kidney disease prone to high blood pressure? Hypertension is a symptom of many kidney patients prone, polycystic kidney disease is no exception, polycystic kidney disease hypertension is prone to a compression of the amount of polycystic kidney tissue cysts cause kidney damage, it could cause blood pressure began to rise. As the disease progresses, most ADPKD patients suffering from hypertension, male than female polycystic kidney disease caused by what reason? The reason caused by polycystic kidney disease, what does? Understand the causes polycystic kidney disease caused conducive for The treatment of polycystic kidney disease, to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. What causes polycystic reason? Here, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital experts to make a detailed analysis shows.


Why kidney cysts increases

Pathological changes induced in polycystic renal insufficiency found reason to start polycystic renal fibrosis process, lead to kidney dysfunction even uremia primarily renal parenchymal cysts increased oppression, so that renal ischemia, hypoxia, endothelial cell damage caused. ? So why do polycystic kidney cysts cause polycystic kidney cyst will increase the detailed reasons for the increase are the following:

1, a variety of infections diseases in the formation of cysts, the development process of change, infection factors is very important. Infection may occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, resulting in beneficial cyst genes changing environmental conditions, internal factors enhance the activity of cysts, stimulation wall secrete large amounts of cyst fluid, and promote the generation of cysts grew up; whether it is the upper respiratory tract infections (including colds), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, or skin infections, trauma, infection, infection, etc. equipment, any infection in any part of the body, through the bloodstream into the kidneys are affecting cysts. And as cyst infection, then in addition to causing the clinical symptoms intensified, it will also cause cysts to further accelerate growth, increase the oppression of kidney tissue, start or accelerate the process of renal fibrosis, renal tissue damage worsened renal function decline.

2, psychological factors psychological factors for the growth of cysts change impact is more obvious. Modern medical studies have shown: bad mood can change the body's nervous and endocrine disorders, thus changing the body's internal environment through neurohormonal action. Abnormal internal environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And negative emotions can also reduce people's immunity, which is conducive to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn makes the cyst affected. A large number of clinical practice has proved that negative emotions can aggravate their condition, especially cystic disease, while recuperating mood, not sad not impatient, the condition often can be gradually improved.

3, toxin-induced polycystic renal dysfunction, the body of high toxin symptoms. This high environmental toxins, can aggravate kidney endothelial cell damage, thereby increasing the inflammatory response, accelerate the process of renal fibrosis, leading to progressive decline in renal function. It should be noted that some drugs with renal toxicity, if used improperly it could easily lead to kidney damage, In addition, some toxins such as pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution, etc. can produce genetic mutations, congenital abnormalities, increased polycystic kidney disease the incidence of the crowd.

4, eating "disease from the mouth", poor diet can cause many diseases produce, of course, produce cystic disease, an important factor in the development and changes. For polycystic kidney disease and other cystic kidney disease, it should be special emphasis on the following aspects: spicy categories: such as pepper, wine, smoking (including passive smoking), chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crabs and other "fat objects "; salty foods, particularly pickled; contaminated foods such as unhealthy food, spoiled leftovers, etc; grilled food; in addition, should limit animal protein, high fat and greasy foods, namely above the Feiganhouwei; restrictions beans and soy products, especially in patients with polycystic renal insufficiency should pay more attention.

5, work and rest Shiyi care for cystic disease, most doctors are said to avoid fatigue, do not engage in heavy physical labor, not to mention heavy objects, do not bend too much excessive force. Hair prevent cyst rupture due to external factors, causing infection worse. But there are many patients not give up exercise, excessive carefree, do not participate in the labor, not sport, "long injury lay gas," the expert pointed out recently over easy, but also easy to make the body is poor blood causing the development of polycystic kidney disease.

Expert advice: polycystic kidney disease patients to appropriate labor housework, etc., should not have any undue psychological pressure when the patient himself. These are the reasons for why the polycystic kidney disease will increase, so remind polycystic kidney disease patients found that after polycystic kidney disease, we should pay more attention in several ways to adjust your diet, rest, medication and so on, regular inspections. In case of changes in condition, to seize the time to increase the predisposing factors cyst renal fibrosis safe handling. So that it can fully control the disease.


Adult polycystic kidney disease follow the inheritance of it

Adult polycystic kidney disease clinical more common, the incidence rate in one-thousandth to two, and accounted for 5% -10% of end-stage renal failure. The disease follows an autosomal dominant inheritance law, namely 1, male and female incidence equal chance ; 2, the sick one parent, 50% of children get cysts genes and disease, such as parents have this disease, children, the incidence rate increased to 75%; 3, not sick children do not carry the gene cyst, its next generation ( grandchildren) can not develop the disease, that is not atavistic. real situation without the genetic parents and the incidence of the mutations were rare.
First, adult polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease?
Adult polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease? Answer: Adult polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal dominant familial disease, full name adult autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, is caused by chronic renal failure, One common uremia.
Polycystic kidney cysts may change over time and "Health", when cysts grow to a certain stage, a small passageway connecting the capsule and renal tissue due to clogging, the cyst gradually increasing the liquid can not be excluded. Cyst oppression kidney tissue, resulting in tubular atrophy sclerosis, the ball disappeared, impaired renal function. Kidney capsule kinds of different sizes, from the size of soybeans to the size of eggs, when the growth of abnormal renal cyst squeeze the surrounding tissue, so that the loss of function of normal kidney tissue, resulting in renal dysfunction, chronic renal failure, or even uremia.
Cyst not only violated the kidneys, and can infringe on the liver, pancreas, so patients are often found to have polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver also how exist. Treatment of multi-use needle decompression therapy, but can not cure polycystic kidney disease. Since currently no effective treatment, and therefore dependent on good control of blood pressure, disabled nephrotoxic drugs, protect renal function ,, blood stasis, etc. on delaying the progression of some help.
Second, the clinical manifestations of adult polycystic kidney disease
Adult polycystic kidney cyst that is generally born, but smaller, easy to find, 20 years ago generally difficult to find, but if the family polycystic kidney disease patients, should early detection, regular follow-up. 30-40 years old, cysts grow faster, showing renal covered vesicles of different sizes, with diameters ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters, liquid capsule with a urine sample.
Patients often appear different clinical manifestations: persistent or paroxysmal waist and abdomen pain, tired after the increase; intermittent gross hematuria; sizes palpable abdominal mass; hypertension with headache and dizziness; urinary urgency dysuria and other urinary Road signs of infection; poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and other manifestations of renal dysfunction. Urinary tract X-ray, B ultrasound, CT, MRI and other tests can help diagnose kidney isotope examination can help assess the extent of kidney damage.


WARNING: an increased risk of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a common medical conditions, and more and more people begin to pay attention polycystic kidney disease, then there is an increased risk of polycystic kidney disease, what do? Then we invite experts to introduce the next polycystic kidney disease of susceptible people, I hope for your help.
1, polycystic kidney disease susceptible population cycle onset hematuria or mild proteinuria (to be differentiated and nephritis) persons;
2, abnormal changes in emotions, especially over the long-term depression or panic people;
3, waist, abdominal discomfort and local unexplained hypertension or renal dysfunction, and so on.
4, people in serious pollution of the environment long to live, polycystic kidney disease or an increased risk of exposure to toxic chemicals (including taking nephrotoxic drugs) or radiation of people;
5, overwork, including excessive physical, mental and lack of physical exercise or excessive exercise method, intensity improper person, excessive room workers and other persons;
6, the family members was suffering from polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts. Because of polycystic kidney disease is often accompanied by a number of polycystic liver, liver cyst, splenic cysts, pancreatic cysts, cerebral aneurysm, abdominal aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, so when their own or family members were found to have the disease should be more than Special attention polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts occur; this is one of an increased risk of polycystic kidney disease.
These are related to an increased risk of introduction of polycystic kidney disease, for your reference, for polycystic kidney disease susceptible population, I believe we have an understanding, I hope that we can do preventive work as soon as possible.


What causes polycystic kidney disease

After years of clinical practice, polycystic kidney hospital | The experts found that factors that lead to polycystic kidney disease has multiple aspects. Thus, prevention of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease also need to resist the patients themselves to strengthen prevention. In particular vigilance induced polycystic kidney disease eight factors!
1, bad congenital developmental
By a congenital dysplasia can produce a variety of diseases, for cystic kidney disease, the main cause medullary sponge kidney may be stunted polycystic kidney disease, congenital abnormalities generally do not have abnormal genes, so it is with genetic or gene mutation There is a difference.
2, mutations (non-genetic)
For polycystic kidney disease, it mostly through genetic parents, divided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some parents are neither hereditary polycystic kidney disease patients, do not belong to congenital dysplasia polycystic nephropathy, but the embryo is formed when a gene mutation. In the embryo formation process, due to various factors, a gene mutated form of polycystic kidney disease, although such cases are rare, but still can happen, therefore, some parents polycystic kidney disease patients can no genetic history .
3, various infections
Infection may occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, resulting in beneficial cyst genes changing environmental conditions, internal factors enhance the activity of the cyst, which can facilitate the generation of cysts grow up; and any infection in any part of the body, and through the blood into the kidney affecting cysts, such as cyst infection, then in addition to causing the clinical symptoms intensified, it will also cause cysts to further accelerate the growth rate, and aggravation of renal impairment. Common infections of upper respiratory tract infections (including colds), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, skin infections, trauma, infection, infection, etc. equipment, namely whether it is a bacterial infection or a viral infection, can have a significant impact on the cyst.
4, toxin
Toxins in the human body, can damage tissues and organs of various cells and thus disease, even life-threatening, and also produce mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities such phenomena. Common toxins such as pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so on. In particular it should be noted that some of the drugs with renal toxicity, if used improperly it could easily lead to kidney damage, these drugs include: kanamycin, gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampicin, indomethacin, and other medicine, and centipedes, Strychnos other traditional Chinese medicine.
5, diet
We may not know, poor eating habits can cause many diseases produce, of course, produce cystic disease, an important factor in development and change. The major ones are: (1) diet, such as hunger is undernourished; fullness is easy to hurt the stomach's digestion and absorption function and blood circulation disorders; overeating Feiganhouwei metaplasia is easy to heat. (2) eating unclean, light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease, severe and even life-threatening poisoning. (3) partial addicted to diet, such as eating more cold cold, is easy to hurt the stomach yang, more hot food Xin Wen will enable the gastrointestinal product heat, then there Gomi partial addicted, long time is easy to hurt internal organs. For the several diet affect the body is obvious. They are also directly or indirectly affect the development of cystic changes in the disease. For cystic disease is clinically we emphasize the following aspects, spicy categories: such as pepper, wine, smoking (including passive smoking), chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crabs and other "hair thing"; too salty foods, particularly pickled; contaminated foods such as unhealthy food, spoiled leftovers, etc; grilled food; in addition, should limit animal protein, high fat and greasy foods, namely above the Feiganhouwei; restrictions beans and soy products, especially in patients with renal insufficiency should pay more attention.
6, work and rest Shiyi
Overwork should include three aspects: (1) excessive labor, namely excessive force or strenuous exercise for a long time is easy to overwork; (2) excessive bother: that thinking too much psychological pressure, ideological burden too heavy ; (3) excessive labor room, that sex without restraint, excessive sexual intercourse. These are the healthy, of course, also affect the change cystic disease. In addition, over easy, that excessive carefree, do not participate in the labor, not the movement is also easy to make the body causing poor blood he was sick, that is, "long injury lay gas," the truth.
7, emotional factors
Modern medical studies have shown: bad mood can change the body's nervous and endocrine disorders, thus changing the body's internal environment through neurohormonal action. Abnormal internal environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And negative emotions can also reduce people's immunity, which is conducive to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn makes the cyst affected. A large number of clinical practice has proved that negative emotions can aggravate their condition, especially cystic disease, while recuperating mood, not sad not impatient, the condition often can be gradually improved.
8, pregnancy

Under normal circumstances, the impact of pregnancy on the course of polycystic kidney function mainly depends on the situation, although there is currently no information confirming pregnancy causes polycystic kidney disease course accelerate, but multiple pregnancy associated with hypertension and its prognosis is often poor, and there is 1/4 of polycystic kidney disease in pregnant women with new onset hypertension or pre-existing hypertension aggravated, so multiple pregnancy is a negative impact on the prognosis of women with polycystic kidney. Of course, here that is still normal renal function, such as polycystic kidney function is not normal pregnant women more dangerous.



Why not take medicine polycystic kidney disorder

Polycystic kidney disease is covered with large and small throughout the kidney cysts, these cysts increases with age and grow, thereby oppression kidney, so the structure of kidney damage, bringing the number of renal units produce urine decreases. Until kidney damage and can not maintain the body's normal functions, such as lack of proper and timely treatment will continue to increase cysts, polycystic kidney disease there is a feature that is hereditary.
● chaos Chinese herb nephropathy is getting worse:
Polycystic kidney disease patients Li Qingkui (a pseudonym), Kaifeng City, Henan Province who is 45 years old. Three years ago, Li Qingkui at work when appear flanks and back pain, and feel physically weak. Li Qingkui time when middle-aged body has been good, before such symptoms appear, he did not care, but this time feel different from before, so he stopped his work, the county hospital of Chinese medicine away by check. B-checked, the doctor said: a large left renal cyst, the right two smaller cysts. And also told him that no more big, continue to eat traditional Chinese medicine, the cyst gradually reduced on the right. However, serving traditional Chinese medicine more than six months after the inspection cyst is not reduced, but more serious, so he gave up taking the medicine, she came to the hospital for treatment of kidney disease. Li Qingkui polycystic kidney disease patients B ultrasound examination on admission shows, the largest cyst of 6.2 × 5.7, kidney shape disorders, increased significantly, doctor told him, this is because the cyst squeeze renal parenchyma, resulting in renal parenchymal damage caused.
● kidney specialists talk about analysis:
Simple renal cysts or multiple renal cysts, are often discovered by chance, cysts hours, most asymptomatic, when a large cyst squeeze renal parenchyma, mainly as flank or back pain. When complications symptoms, if heavy bleeding cyst wall so suddenly stretching, compression can occur envelope waist colic, secondary infection, in addition to the pain increased, but may be associated with increased body temperature and general malaise, usually no hematuria. Occasional cysts compress the adjacent renal parenchyma can produce microscopic hematuria, sometimes cause high blood pressure. Huge cyst, there may be mass at the waist and abdomen. If there is damage to the kidneys taking drugs, renal function immediately got out of hand, and soon entered the stage uremia. Potassium is mainly excreted through the kidneys to patients taking the medicine hurt his remaining kidney function, potassium did not break out, but Chinese medicine also contains large amounts of potassium ions, which leads to the dual role of worsening renal function, complicated by other diseases .
Common symptoms of polycystic kidney disease is high blood pressure, hematuria, enlarged kidneys, urinary tract infection. Cyst bleeding may lower back pain, low back pain during infections, fever. Polycystic kidney disease developed rapidly, often soon developed into renal insufficiency, uremia, and multiple renal cysts generally does not appear hypertension, renal insufficiency and other diseases. Multiple polycystic kidney cysts, although not so terrible, but if the cyst is increased, when the bleeding is very dangerous, so, regardless of polycystic kidney disease or multiple renal cysts should be early diagnosis, early and effective method of treatment, so as not to affect the life and health!


Polycystic kidney disease can not bear it

Patients with polycystic kidney is about to produce some mothers, they are very concerned about polycystic kidney fertile? In fact, look polycystic kidney fertile it? Mainly according to different conditions and concluded that, here we come to specifically talk about.
Polycystic kidney fertile it? If there is no female kidney patients affected by hypertension and renal injury, not a lot of proteinuria, is generally able to successfully give birth to a healthy baby, and that does not make the original kidney disease worse. We encourage such patients to establish as soon as possible after birth family, because of their kidney function may be with time gradually decreased, and thus lose the best chance of pregnancy. For male patients with polycystic kidney disease, it does not affect the pregnancy.
The need for early treatment after diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney fertility it can be possible and must not delay the disease lead to disaster.
Polycystic kidney disease usually develops slowly, late or obvious symptoms, some people often will tolerate discomfort in the past, to hide, let the family know. Think this is the love of his family, in fact, this is a waste of love for their family.
Through the introduction of the polycystic kidney has made it fertile above, we must have to understand, the most important thing is to timely treatment, so as to ensure the disease does not delay, if you have any other about polycystic Renal fertile question about it, please consult the online experts.


Polycystic kidney disease patients to understand the common sense

Polycystic renal cortex and medulla full because many thin-walled spherical cyst is named, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease, it may be due to the formation of cysts manifold embryonic kidney units and some far connecting tubule mistakes due. Does not occur after birth, a new cyst, but there are cysts will continue to increase, it looks like a bunch of grapes. Bright yellow capsule containing a liquid, when the trauma or complicated by infection, the liquid was bloody. Between cysts normal kidney parenchyma, but also for changes of chronic interstitial nephritis. Lesions often bilateral, unilateral accounted for only 10%. Because cyst oppression renal unit, causing local renal obstruction, affect renal function, often slowly cause renal failure, accounting for 5% to 10% the cause of uremia.
The incidence of polycystic kidney disease, no significant difference between men and women, accounting for 0.2% of the autopsy, but the clinical diagnosis rate is not high, it is often misdiagnosed, the onset of symptoms to diagnosis an average of four years, mainly doctors lack of awareness of the disease . Polycystic general symptoms to appear after age 40, the most common symptoms are flank pain, hematuria, nocturia, approximately 10% of patients with kidney stones, some patients may be due to obstruction caused by stones and renal colic blood clots, most patients will urinary tract infections, urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, particularly in the use of urinary tract instruments (such as catheterization, cystoscopy, etc.), the especially prone. Usually palpable enlargement of the kidneys. Varying degrees of renal enlargement. Sometimes only one side can reach the kidneys. 75% of patients with hypertension, but few have edema. There are also associated with polycystic kidney, liver, spleen, pancreas, ovary cysts. Laboratory tests can be found in varying degrees of proteinuria, hematuria, anemia can occur late. Has a decisive significance for the diagnosis is established IVP; B Super, CT, X tomography, isotope renal scan can also be used as an important means of diagnosis. Retrograde urography, not a last resort, not the implementation, because it often causes urinary tract infections.
Polycystic kidney disease treatment should be clear: the existing spherical cyst is impossible to disappear. Treatment should first avoid increasing renal impairment factors, such as urinary tract infections, urinary tract obstruction stones or blood clots, hypertension, while avoiding nephrotoxic drugs (such as streptomycin, gentamicin, etc.) and pain medications. Prevention and treatment of urinary tract infection is most important because urinary tract infection may accelerate the deterioration of renal function, but also to cure the infection within the cyst is very difficult, the drug is difficult to achieve an effective concentration within the cyst, it actively prevent its occurrence is significant, especially should be avoided Urinary instruments. Urinary tract infection can be no urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, and was asymptomatic bacteria in urine, which should be actively sufficient quantity to use broad-spectrum antibiotics such as cephalosporins, and long-term follow-up observations, every 3 to 6 months to do a quantitative bacterial cultures of urine for early detection of urinary tract infections. Secondly, diuretics should be used with caution, because it can reduce the tubular water and sodium reabsorption. Hypertension optional propranolol, captopril, methyldopa like. It should not be too much emphasis on limiting sodium intake, due to the disease itself beneath sodium tendencies. Surgical decompression treatment, can only accelerate the deterioration of renal function, currently not in favor of implementation.
Polycystic kidney disease prognosis: baby died after birth polycystic general uremia, polycystic kidney disease in children each year in a liver disease and uremia died within a few months. Although adult polycystic kidney disease can not be cured, but progress is very slow to uremia, the average life expectancy of patients is about 50 years after the onset of symptoms, the average survival time of 10 years, but a great individual differences, there are many life without clinical manifestations By. Even to the end-stage uremia, but also the implementation of alternative therapies, including hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal transplantation, the longest of the three survivors have been more than 10 years.


Note that the treatment of polycystic kidney disease patients out of Misunderstanding

Polycystic kidney disease is a chronic kidney disease, a lot of people do not know much about for polycystic kidney disease, but in recent years more and more people are concerned about polycystic kidney disease, experts say, many patients with polycystic kidney polycystic there are some errors following Xiaobian to tell you, polycystic kidney disease treatment misunderstanding what.
A misunderstanding, many people think can not have children polycystic
If there are no female kidney patients suffer hypertension and renal injury, not a lot of proteinuria, is generally able to successfully give birth to a healthy baby, and that does not make the original kidney disease worse. We encourage such patients to establish as soon as possible after birth family, because of their kidney function may be with time gradually decreased, and thus lose the best chance of pregnancy. For male patients with polycystic kidney disease, it does not affect the pregnancy.
Myth, polycystic kidney disease treatment can be delayed again
Polycystic kidney disease usually develops slowly, late or obvious symptoms, some people often will tolerate discomfort in the past, to hide, let the family know. Think this is the love of his family, in fact, this is a waste of love for their family.
Late treatment of polycystic kidney disease, dialysis and intermittent huge burden to the family; not only the face transplant surgery risk, enormous cost is "bottomless pit." So, do not wait until uremia or renal insufficiency re-treatment. Early detection and timely and effective treatment is to reduce the incidence and improve the basic ways of their prognosis.
Because the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease develops slowly, patients can seem a later time treatment over a period of "non-disease" of life, but will be long after the pain; polycystic kidney disease is difficult to cure, early treatment, spend some time or money , control the development of cysts, to prevent the development of renal insufficiency or uremia, will be long after the pain. Therefore, we must not wait until kidney failure, uremia retreatment.
Myth, polycystic kidney cyst small without treatment
Mention timely treatment, it is polycystic kidney disease patients is to do so, but often heard to say, "the cyst is small, not the rule, and then wait until the big government" and so to speak. Cyst is a little bit of growing up, the kidney damage is slowly progressive, step by step erosion of their kidneys. In fact, early treatment or control of a small cyst, than to treat a large cyst is much easier, but also will reduce the damage to the kidneys.
For polycystic kidney disease patients, regularly physical examination, which should include renal function tests. Usually once every six months to do urine, blood pressure testing, prevention of kidney patients unconsciously proceeds to uremia stage.
In short, the experts said, polycystic kidney disease to early treatment, prevent deterioration of kidney disease, resulting in unrecoverable consequences.


Polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to prevent colds

Polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to prevent colds, polycystic kidney disease patients if cold, then the harm is great, may cause polycystic kidney disease is more serious. Some live on polycystic kidney disease precautions to everyone who introduced, I want to have some help.
Polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to prevent colds
Polycystic kidney patients suffering from heart disease is very painful, because is not the same with other kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease is a lifelong genetic diseases, along with the need for a lifetime, not only is the extra attention, considerate family care again many still can not stop the continued enlargement of the cysts objective reality. At this time, such as colds, especially recurrent colds will make polycystic kidney damage in patients worse one point, play a role in worsening matters worse, it will accelerate the progress of renal injury.
Also, pay attention to what life in patients with polycystic kidney disease?
① polycystic kidney disease patients to control a good diet is crucial: the treatment of polycystic kidney disease in patients with reasonable diet control deterioration of renal function is very important progress. Use low-salt diet every day from 2 to 3 grams of edible salt is appropriate, eat potassium, phosphorus, diet, lower protein, low-fat diet, eat foods rich in vitamins and plant crude fiber diet, keep the stool.
② polycystic kidney disease patients should prevent trauma: polycystic kidney cyst continuous enlargement will lead to cysts cuff pressure continues to grow, forcing the patient's kidneys are also increasing, increased intra-abdominal pressure. So any little minor trauma, such as sprains, bumps, falls and other dirty belly will increase the internal pressure or external trauma direct impact on the enlargement of cysts, prompting cyst rupture has a high internal pressure, bleeding, it is easy to induce infection.
③ polycystic kidney disease patients should also control the blood pressure: the vast majority of patients with polycystic kidney hypertension occurs before renal impairment, hypertension will accelerate renal damage, while high blood pressure is also on the heart , cerebrovascular injury, polycystic kidney disease associated with cerebral aneurysms will rupture causing serious complications such as stroke, so good control of blood pressure to delay the deterioration of renal function speed to prevent critical complications.
