
How Inheritance of adult polycystic kidney disease?

How Inheritance of adult polycystic kidney disease? Adult polycystic kidney disease clinical more common, the incidence rate in one-thousandth to two, and accounted for 5% -10% of end-stage renal failure. The disease follows an autosomal dominant inheritance law, namely 1, men and women equal risk of disease; 2, one parent is sick, the children get 50% of cystic genes and disease, such as parents have this disease, children, the incidence rate increased to 75%; 3, not sick child cyst do not carry the gene, its next-generation (grandchildren) can not develop the disease, that is not atavistic. Real situation without the genetic parents and the incidence of the mutations were rare.

Polycystic kidney conventional therapy has drawbacks

In the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, capsule puncture drainage, surgery and nephrectomy methods predominate reduced pressure. But with the advancement of social science as a whole, the drawbacks of these methods are gradually revealed. Thus, these measures can not meet the urgent requirements of the rehabilitation of patients with polycystic kidney disease.

It is well known in the treatment of surgical excision of the lesion is longer than just eliminate discomfort excrescence on the body, can not recover from the fundamental disease. The so-called "wild fire, in spring", drainage or, decompression or whatever, can only be treated for a large cyst, is not the role of the smaller, but also to reduce the internal pressure, the remaining cysts because the loss of repression and growing like crazy, jumped into the cyst decompression, the more drainage on renal function of the cycle the greater the damage, until the final erosion of the kidneys was "severely" fall into "beyond redemption" of the land. So, not a last resort, not too much too frequent treatment of polycystic kidney decompression surgery, drainage, to avoid a vicious cycle in which irreversible kidney damage reaches irreparable situation, resulting in unnecessary tragedy.

In many people's opinion, nephrectomy, kidney transplant may well be a good way to solve the underlying. Yes, this really is an effective method of treatment of polycystic kidney disease. However, nephrectomy as a large surgical wound, a test of the capacity of the patient. And because the genetic characteristics of polycystic kidney disease, removal of a kidney, the other kidney function failure can occur rapidly. As for the kidney transplant, high costs aside, finding the right kidney of a long wait aside, surgery may lead to its exclusive heterosexual let many patients prohibitive. For this method, technology needs to be further improved.


