Polycystic kidney disease is a common medical conditions, and more and more people begin to pay attention polycystic kidney disease, then there is an increased risk of polycystic kidney disease, what do? Then we invite experts to introduce the next polycystic kidney disease of susceptible people, I hope for your help.
1, polycystic kidney disease susceptible population cycle onset hematuria or mild proteinuria (to be differentiated and nephritis) persons;
2, abnormal changes in emotions, especially over the long-term depression or panic people;
3, waist, abdominal discomfort and local unexplained hypertension or renal dysfunction, and so on.
4, people in serious pollution of the environment long to live, polycystic kidney disease or an increased risk of exposure to toxic chemicals (including taking nephrotoxic drugs) or radiation of people;
5, overwork, including excessive physical, mental and lack of physical exercise or excessive exercise method, intensity improper person, excessive room workers and other persons;
6, the family members was suffering from polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts. Because of polycystic kidney disease is often accompanied by a number of polycystic liver, liver cyst, splenic cysts, pancreatic cysts, cerebral aneurysm, abdominal aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, so when their own or family members were found to have the disease should be more than Special attention polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts occur; this is one of an increased risk of polycystic kidney disease.
These are related to an increased risk of introduction of polycystic kidney disease, for your reference, for polycystic kidney disease susceptible population, I believe we have an understanding, I hope that we can do preventive work as soon as possible.