Among all kidney, polycystic kidney disease can be regarded as a more serious kidney disease, the treatment of this disease is not easy to recover, so the disease often affects the normal life of patients, and thus for the patient's psychological also caused a serious injury during the treatment of polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to maintenance, especially nurses do to help patients living care, which can reduce the suffering of patients, and more favorable treatment. The following brief polycystic kidney patient care considerations.
First, polycystic kidney care needs to control the blood pressure, hypertension, renal presentation will accelerate the harm, it needs good control of blood pressure in patients with polycystic kidney to postpone the rate of deterioration of renal function, prevent critical complications.
Second, to prevent colds, polycystic kidney disease patients, such as colds, especially repeated colds will make polycystic kidney patient harm intensifies one point, play a role in the deterioration of adding insult to injury. These are first and foremost about polycystic maintenance methods.
Third, the constant enlargement of polycystic kidney cyst will cause cysts cuff pressure continues to grow, so any little minor injuries, such as sprains, bumps, falls and other dirt will increase the internal pressure or abdominal trauma external direct impact on the enlargement of the cyst, cyst rupture promote a high internal pressure, bleeding, it is easy to induce infection. This is one of polycystic kidney disease maintenance issues.
Polycystic kidney care about more than simply give you a talk, and polycystic kidney disease for health hazards is quite large, it is proposed that the majority of the friends must pay attention to the treatment of disease, of course, in the treatment of tips, If you want to better alleviate the suffering of patients, the best treatment is aggressive disease!