
Polycystic kidney dysfunction related knowledge

Department of a congenital genetic polycystic kidney disease, early cyst is small does not affect the normal kidney function in patients with polycystic kidney disease is often overlooked. Polycystic kidney disease patients in hospital are mostly polycystic renal insufficiency only after starting treatment everywhere. I polycystic kidney disease patients do not understand what polycystic kidney dysfunction produced. Polycystic kidney dysfunction and how to treat the application in order to save the remaining kidney function units, making it back to work to avoid end-stage renal failure, the arrival of uremia. I recently visited the polycystic kidney specialist kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang, for polycystic kidney disease in patients with renal insufficiency Experts were concerned about one reply.
What is polycystic kidney dysfunction? How is it produced?
Polycystic kidney dysfunction and other kidney disease renal insufficiency due to the same, but different reasons induced renal dysfunction. Polycystic kidney dysfunction is polycystic kidney disease patients not pay attention to early conservation, cyst hour has not been timely and effective control, and increased pressure to make the cyst polycystic kidney function in patients after renal nephron insufficiency, renal units also feature Injury to 50% after only manifested.
Polycystic kidney disease is covered with large and small throughout the kidney cysts, these cysts increases with age and grow, so will pressure the kidneys, so that the structure of kidney damage, reduce the number of renal units produce urine, kidney damage later to not maintain normal physiological needs of people, then there will be uremia. Specifically: renal failure, uremia formation process is actually progressive renal fibrosis process. Also, kidney failure and uremia are functional performance up to 50% of renal fibrosis after only appeared.
Polycystic renal insufficiency treatment should pay attention to what the problem?
Polycystic renal insufficiency treatment should be to protect kidney function cell-based, polycystic renal insufficiency is gradually functioning kidney units were fibrosis process, in this process of renal functional cells is a gradual process of damage. Renal fibrosis is a pathophysiological changes, is the healthy kidney function to damage, to damage, loss of function until a gradual process. Kidneys due to trauma, a variety of pathogenic factors to stimulate infection, inflammation, blood circulation disorders, and immune response, its inherent role, forming plaques mark until the complete loss of kidney organ function. Intrinsic kidney cells induced hardening process is the process of renal fibrosis.
Such as polycystic kidney disease patients during therapy should be to restore these functions nephron function based. So, polycystic kidney disease patients must understand the type of renal fibrosis, kidney fibrosis can be reversed functional unit of the kidney damage repair.
Renal fibrosis formation process can be divided into: a reversible stage and fibrosis progression; second, scarring stage. In the reversible stage of fibrosis, although the structure and function of the kidney has been changed, damaged cells can still exercise some of the original features, it can treat the damaged cells to normal cells reversed, restore the original function. The scarring period (clinically called uremia), although still blocking renal fibrosis process, but has become kidney tissue scarring, it is difficult to repair. Therefore, reversible stage of renal fibrosis is the key to blocking renal fibrosis, nephropathy and renal failure reversal rehabilitation has a very important significance, doctors and patients should arouse the best treatment of high attention.
How to impaired renal function unit for repair, so that they re-work the renal function is restored it?
How to polycystic patients with renal insufficiency should repair damaged renal units this issue, polycystic kidney hospital experts presented the clinical treatment of hospital considerable effect.
If poorly controlled polycystic kidney disease renal insufficiency symptoms, we must take active blocking fibrosis. While controlling or reducing the cyst, the cyst to reduce the pressure on the surrounding tissue as soon as possible, while blocking the damaged tissue fibrosis, recovery of injured tissue, thereby leading to minimal damage dirty pain, maximize the recovery of renal function.
Finally, polycystic kidney hospital experts said that if polycystic renal insufficiency on renal function can repair damaged cells so polycystic renal insufficiency process will be curbed, it would greatly reduce the end-stage renal failure, uremia occurred.


