
Clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney disease is what?

Clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney disease is what? Clinically, most patients may have a family history, more men than women, behave differently. Common manifestations are:
(1) waist and abdomen pain: for the first symptom in most patients, was after persistent or paroxysmal ranging from fatigue worse.
(2) hematuria: often the first symptom, about half of the people there, intermittent painless gross hematuria.
(3) abdominal mass: Multi-touch on bilateral abdomen, tumor sizes.
(4) may have high blood pressure with dizziness, headache.
(5) renal insufficiency: markedly abnormal renal function tests, urine specific gravity low and fixed.
(6) about 1/4 of patients with renal colic manifestations and urinary frequency, urgency and discomfort.
X-ray, B ultrasound, MRI and other tests can help diagnose.

Treatment principles on non-surgical therapy, surgical treatment is limited to intractable pain, renal artery pressure, treatment of complications of renal pelvis and ureter obstruction and stones, empyema and so on.


