Patients with early kidney size is normal, the later increases, and the
emergence of morphological abnormalities, such as renal pelvis shaped, bright
structural integrity and renal papillary cone damage and the like. Cyst
spherical, large and small. Beginning when the renal cysts can be only a few,
but gradually increased with the progression, and ultimately makes the kidney
cyst occupied by the kidneys up to the size of football. In the light
microscope, among kidney cyst can still see the complete structure, from the
normal performance to glomerulosclerosis, tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis
varies, these changes are due to compression of renal cysts as ischemia. In the
electron microscope, the cyst epithelial cells appear as two kinds of forms: one
with the proximal tubule epithelial cells similar to the other is similar to the
distal tubule. Cyst fluid are generally more clear, when there is an infection
or bleeding cyst can be purulent or bloody.
PKD kidneys significantly increased size and weight, around about 10 times
normal. Sleek, spindle or columnar section shows cyst, radial distribution. Were
columnar epithelial cells, consistent with the collecting duct cells Pippi.
Pelvis and calyces of the renal parenchyma is expanded oppression narrowed
smaller. Liver lesions confined to the portal area, diffuse, bile duct
dilatation with connective tissue proliferation, cause periportal fibrosis
progression over time, the emergence of portal hypertension and