Slow onset of the disease, before the onset of asymptomatic, it is clinically visible and many patients come for medical treatment found in the routine physical examination. Often a family history of genetic investigation by the family and not atavistic. The age of onset of clinical symptoms between 35-45 years old, average start at 40.7 years. Renal cysts and clinical symptoms and tissue damage related to two aspects.
Cyst-related symptoms and backache, back pain, abdominal distension, abdominal mass, gross hematuria, acute infections, and colic occurs when a blood clot or concurrent stones blocking the ureter. When the lesions progress, kidney tissue pressure, impaired renal function and chronic renal insufficiency, and ultimately uremia.
Often due to manifold dysfunction in uremia appear before leaving the kidney function is reduced and concentrated, such as low specific gravity of urine, urine output increased significantly. Approximately 50% to 75% of patients with hypertension. Urinalysis often red, white and mild proteinuria.
In addition, this appearance of existing kidney disease liver cyst, ovarian cysts, pancreatic cysts symptoms. Common complications include urinary tract infections, urinary tract stones and urinary tract obstruction.