Polycystic kidney disease is hereditary, but there are still a lot of people
curious to ask cause of polycystic kidney disease. In addition to genetic cause
of polycystic kidney disease have? Polycystic kidney disease is a serious
hazard, therefore, prevent polycystic kidney, polycystic kidney disease avoid
polycystic kidney disease progression needs to enhance the patient's own
preparedness. The following introductions induced polycystic composed of eight
1. gene mutations (non-genetic)
About polycystic kidney disease, it is mostly through genetic parents,
divided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some parents are
neither hereditary polycystic kidney disease patients, do not belong to
congenital dysplasia polycystic nephropathy, but when the embryo gene mutations
constitute. In the embryonic constitution process, due to various elements, so
that the gene mutation attack constitutes a polycystic kidney disease, although
this situation is rare, but still be able to attack, so some parents polycystic
kidney disease patients can no genetic history .
2. congenital kidney cysts cause adverse developmental
By a congenital dysplasia can produce a variety of diseases, about cystic
kidney disease, the main can be formed medullary sponge kidney, polycystic
kidney disease dysplasia, congenital abnormalities of genes common no exception,
so it is with genetic or gene mutation There is a difference.
3. various infections
Infection can attack abnormal changes in the internal environment, resulting
in the onset of beneficial genes cyst changing environmental conditions, the
internal elements of the activity to strengthen cyst cyst that can promote the
generation of growth; and any infection in any part of the body, and will go
through the blood into the kidney affecting cysts, such as cystic attack
infected, in addition to causing the clinical symptoms intensified, it will also
cause cysts to further accelerate the growth rate, and aggravation of renal
damage. Common infections of upper respiratory tract infections (including
colds), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, skin
infections, trauma, infection, infection, etc. equipment, namely whether it is a
bacterial infection or a viral infection, can have a significant impact on the
4. Diet
We may not know, poor eating habits may be formed to generate most of the
disease, of course, produce cystic disease, carried out important elements of
change. The major ones are:
(1) diet, nutritional deficiencies such as hunger is; is easy to hurt the
stomach fullness, digestion and absorption function and the onset of blood
circulation disorders; overeating Feiganhouwei metaplasia is easy to heat.
(2) eating unclean, light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease, severe and
even life-threatening episodes of poisoning.
(3) partial addicted to diet, such as eating more cold cold, is easy to hurt
the stomach yang, more hot food Xin Wen will enable the gastrointestinal product
heat, then there Gomi partial addicted, long time is easy to hurt internal
organs. The several eating habits affect on the body is obvious. They are also
directly or indirectly affect the change cystic disease carried out. And on
cystic disease is clinically we emphasize the following aspects, spicy
categories: such as pepper, wine, smoking (including passive smoking),
chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crabs and other "hair thing"; too salty foods,
particularly pickled; contaminated foods such as unhealthy food, decadent
transformation, leftovers, etc; grilled food; in addition, should limit animal
protein, high fat and greasy foods, namely above the Feiganhouwei; restrictions
beans and soy products, especially renal failure patients need more
5. toxin
Toxins in the human body, can damage various cells form tissues and organs,
and thus the onset of disease, and even life-threatening, and also produce
mutations, one of congenital abnormalities such phenomena as the main reason.
Common toxins such as pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so
on. Special needs noted that some drugs with renal toxicity, if used improperly
is easy to form kidney damage, those drugs include: kanamycin, gentamicin,
sulfonamides, rifampicin, indomethacin, and other medicine, and centipedes,
Strychnos other traditional Chinese medicine.
6. Lao Yi Shiyi
Overwork should include three aspects:
(1) labor over that a long time excessive force or violent movement is easy
to overwork;
(2) excessive fee God: that thinking too much psychological pressure is too
large, thought overburdened;
(3) excessive labor room, that sexual life is not restraint, excessive sexual
intercourse. And well-being of those who are negative, when MEDICAL EDUCATION |
Education Network collected and then change also affects cystic disease. In
addition, over quiet, that excessive idle, does not participate in the labor,
not the movement is also easy to make the body causing poor blood he was sick,
that is, "long injury lay gas," the truth.
7. mood Elements
Modern medical research proves: bad mood can change the body's nervous and
endocrine disorders, which through neurohormonal effect change within the
environment of the human body. Exception of the internal environment and the
effects of cyst formation. And poor people's mood also reduced immunity, thus
contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn makes the
cyst affected. A large number of clinical practice has proved that bad mood can
aggravate their condition, especially cystic disease, while recuperating mood,
not MEDICAL EDUCATION | Education Network collected more sad not impatient, the
condition often can be gradually improved.