
Classification and characteristics of polycystic What

Classification and characteristics of polycystic kidney disease which classification and characteristics?:

1. Perinatal type: existing severe perinatal renal cystic disease, involving 90% of the collection tube, while the proliferation of small amounts of fiber around the portal vein, in perinatal death.

2. neonatal form: 60 percent involved manifold, with mild portal fibroproliferative around. January symptoms after at birth, died of renal failure in a few months time.

3. Baby type: infantile kidneys showed enlargement, 25% of tubular involvement, liver and spleen with moderate fiber proliferation around the portal vein. 3 to 6 months after birth, symptoms occur in childhood due to renal failure and death.

4. Juvenile: juvenile symptoms appear 13 to 19 years old. Kidney damage is relatively minor, only 10% or less of cystic renal tubules show, occasionally develop into renal failure. Severe fibrosis hepatic portal vein area. Usually around the age of 20 due to liver complications, portal hypertension death.


