Polycystic kidney disease is caused by distal renal tubular connection errors, less obvious early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease hidden. This feature of polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney disease patients often miss the best opportunity to make early treatment, so that patients with polycystic kidney polycystic kidney uremia appear in life. About polycystic kidney uremia symptoms, polycystic kidney disease since the beginning of uremia treatment of polycystic kidney disease patients is a troublesome issue. So, polycystic kidney dysfunction patients understand the early clinical manifestations of timely diagnosis and treatment of polycystic kidney disease, reduce the incidence of polycystic kidney disease uremia has important significance. ? So polycystic kidney uremia early clinical manifestations, what does everyone also wants to know more about it, let the experts to give us a detailed description about:
! Polycystic kidney uremia seven early clinical manifestations (1) the digestive system: there uremic stomatitis, gastritis, colitis, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and mouth have Niaowei like.
(2) the cardiovascular system: hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, pericarditis, pericardial effusion can be part of the patient.
(3) Respiratory system: breath ammonia odor, and deep breathing a little faster, can occur in severe uremia pneumonia.
(4) of the hematopoietic system: anemia and bleeding tendency is most common.
(5) of the nervous system: easy fatigue, memory loss, irritability, insomnia; can occur late lethargy, delirium, coma and manic like.
(6) the skin and mucous membranes: such as pigmentation, skin itching.
(7) water, electrolytes, acid-base balance disorders: When the kidneys concentration function decline, there may be an increase in nocturia; also be due to the decline in glomerular filtration rate lead to oliguria. Can occur late phosphorus increased, calcium and potassium reduce symptoms.