What magic is the treatment of polycystic kidney disease? Experts point out that, when the time was found suffering from polycystic kidney disease in addition to active treatment, it should also adhere to treatment, you can not feel good point is not treatment, relapse and went governance, so that repeated treatment will soon be more serious consequences. Then I Xiaobian tell you what treatment magic is not it!
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, accounting for about 5% to 10% of the end-stage renal insufficiency total. Polycystic kidney disease with age, the cyst gradually increasing, the earliest manifestations are: back pain, high blood pressure, kidney B-abnormal results. If not controlled in time, renal cysts continues to increase, oppression around the renal unit will cause the damage, start the process of renal fibrosis, an early manifestation of urine tests appear: protein and blood cells; if the process of renal fibrosis has not been effectively curb, there will be increase in serum creatinine or glomerular filtration rate, and ultimately develop into end-stage renal failure. While the micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for polycystic kidney disease has its unique three beauty:
1, the drug directly to patients Zhao body, inhibiting vesicular fluid secretion, anti-vesicle epithelial cell growth and reduce secondary lesions;
2 in the treatment of micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine supplement organic acids, vitamins and other nutrients needed to repair the kidney, thereby preventing deterioration of renal intrinsic cells and repair damage.
3, through the expansion of the role of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration treatment, improve blood circulation, reversing cyst fluid and cyst pressure intravascular fluid surrounding poor, so that the liquid gradually into the blood circulation capsule was taken away; the treatment of polycystic kidney magic What is it? disease timely and correct treatment, the right stick, in order to better get rid of the body Kidney problems, have a healthy body to enjoy the good life and happiness appear. , It is possible to live like a normal person. Therefore, early detection and early treatment, so that patients better enjoy the good life and happiness, I wish you a speedy recovery.