What people tend to suffer from polycystic! Polycystic kidney disease is no longer unknown, and in recent years gradually increased in patients with polycystic kidney disease, many patients are surprised how he would do had polycystic kidney disease, kidney specialists tell you what types of people most likely to suffer from polycystic kidney disease:
What people tend to suffer from polycystic kidney disease
1, mostly hereditary polycystic kidney disease, if the family was sick, need to pay attention.
2, today's living environment leads to everyone illness, such as: eat Feigan, labor and forget fatigue, pollution, stress and other life
3. Periodic episodes of hematuria or mild proteinuria people to be alert to polycystic kidney disease;
4, waist, abdominal discomfort and local unexplained hypertension or renal dysfunction and the like.
More than four people most likely to suffer from polycystic kidney disease, so be sure to pay attention to their own physical condition, if found to have symptoms of kidney disease, kidney disease should be promptly to the hospital for examination and treatment, do not let polycystic affect our normal life.