
The key to treatment of polycystic kidney disease in children where?

Obviously, since the parents are mostly delicate 80, to today's child health has brought negative factors, but do not worry, experts hereditary polycystic kidney disease mainly about their treatment of children for decades polycystic kidney clinical experience, and see if you know?

The key to treatment of polycystic kidney disease in which children

We must first understand polycystic mostly genetic, but only enough to know these things, you also need to know what do experts say:! The key to treatment with symptomatic treatment, in order to cure the disease, first understand all What are the classification of it!

1, infantile polycystic kidney disease

Infantile autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease that is polycystic kidney disease. Infantile polycystic kidney ultrasound performance in roughly three categories:

1) were mainly seen in infants

This period babies polycystic kidney disease in children is characterized by ultrasonic cone hyperechoic image medullary nephrocalcinosis similar;

2) mainly seen in the vast majority of newborns and infants

Children with this type of a typical renal hypertrophy and spherical hyperechoic images, and occasionally in the cortex outside of 2 - 3 mm.

3) mainly seen in older children

This period babies polycystic kidney disease in children is the central portion of the captured image displayed strong echoes, and 8 - 14 mm area of ​​cortical edge of no change. Its size may be normal or liver hypertrophy, while the echo is weaker than the kidneys. Since the expansion of the intrahepatic bile ducts and portal fibrosis cause peripheral low, echo is very obvious. With age, the continuous development of portal fibrosis, in older children, abdominal ultrasound can be found in liver and spleen enlargement and patchy hyperechoic liver, portal hypertension may find portal back, intrahepatic bile duct dilatation.

Ultrasound image infantile polycystic kidney disease at 24 weeks of pregnancy which produce certain signs, the following sonographic changes suggestive of infantile polycystic kidney disease may: 1. significantly enlarged kidneys; 2 fetal bladder absent; 3 amniotic fluid. too little.

2, polycystic kidney disease in children

Infants and children only on defining the age, children and infantile polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney disease are due to renal distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct connection dislocation, elongated form cysts, polycystic kidney disease in children younger child his condition It will be more severe, the more bad prognosis. Infantile polycystic kidney disease at birth, has been demonstrated, the majority of children with infantile polycystic kidney disease who died a few months after birth, uremia; and the incidence of children with infantile polycystic kidney disease than low, its survival age is relatively long, but children with polycystic kidney disease in children also died before adulthood.

The key to treatment of polycystic kidney disease in children where? After a detailed breakdown of the experts believe that parents also be aware, if you still have any questions or want to know some other treatment, it is recommended to consult our online experts.


