There are many genetic diseases, polycystic kidney disease is one of them, the incidence of kidney. Early polycystic kidney shape too large a number of patients, which is due to kidney kidney cyst volume increased. The incidence and progression of polycystic kidney disease, is to follow certain rules, but also has its own form of installments. We also want to know more about it, let the experts to give us a detailed introduction about polycystic kidney disease staging.
Polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney disease staging staging Did you know you know polycystic kidney disease staging can be divided into five phases:?? Occurrence, growth, enlargement period, ulceration stage, uremia, gave the following Describe these five, let polycystic kidney disease patients on their condition can have a clear understanding.
First, the occurrence of
Polycystic kidney disease is hereditary, general birth cyst, but a small, easy to find, 20 years ago generally difficult to find, but if the family polycystic kidney disease patients should be early detection, and early growth of cysts observed situation. Attention to maintenance.
Second, growing
Polycystic kidney disease patients 30 to 40 years of age, cyst will have a faster growth, medically referred to the growing period. Growing should strengthen the observation, doctors have no way to treat this period, saw no need for treatment, medical | education network collected only symptomatic treatment, such as high blood pressure, which seemed very passive. During this period should remain active treatment, the treatment aims through the use of a strong role in blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, so that the cyst no longer grow or retard growth of cysts, to prolong the life of the role, it can be said that this is Chinese medicine blood circulation retard cyst growth critical period.
Third, the enlargement of the
Polycystic kidney disease patients entered the 40 years of age, there will be further growth of cyst enlargement, when after more than 4cm cyst, the cyst ulceration this period, called enlargement period. With the expansion of cysts occur more clinical symptoms, such as back pain, proteinuria, hematuria, blood pressure, etc., then it should close observation, in the treatment of this period is a critical period of Chinese and Western combined treatment. Chinese medicine blood circulation can detox Xiezhuo by removing hazards renal cyst fluid aim to protect renal function, therefore, polycystic kidney enlargement is a critical period of Integrative Medicine to protect renal function.
Fourth, ulceration of
Such as cysts continue to grow, and in some external action, there will be ulceration, ulceration should be hospitalized immediately after treatment, and medical | education network collected more active infection control to prevent sepsis and acute deterioration of renal function, in order to facilitate other symptomatic deal with.
Fifth, uremia
For uremia treatment, protection of renal function, peritoneal dialysis patients with advanced line. Polycystic kidney disease patients during the time of treatment should be symptomatic treatment of patients according to the disease development, improve the effectiveness of treatment.