
How to treat polycystic kidney it?

With the discovery of science and technology, treatment of polycystic kidney method is also growing gradually, then, how the treatment of polycystic kidney disease it? A lot of people are concerned, here we have for how the treatment of polycystic kidney disease is the best to make a presentation .

How to treat polycystic kidney it?

? How to treat polycystic it mainly uses micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy treatment principle of the therapy: comprehensive Western medicine treatment, if treatment is correct, then it will be integrated use of the following treatments:

1: vasodilator therapy. Where kidney disease, due to the various types of inflammatory mediators in the blood oxidative stress and inevitably lead to vascular tissue damage levels and damage, which will inevitably lead to poor blood circulation, resulting in micro-circulatory system Ischemic , hypoxia, and this will result in hypoxic-ischemic kidney inherent cells due to ischemia and hypoxia and damage. To alleviate this condition, doctors will certainly symptomatic treatment using various types of vasodilators to alleviate the symptoms of kidney.

2: anti-inflammatory therapy. Nephritis occurs, there will be a large number of inflammatory mediators are released in the bloodstream, to address the consequent types of inflammation, Western medicine is bound to use all kinds of anti-inflammatory action.

3: anticoagulant, anti-thrombosis therapy. Inflammatory lesions appear, will inevitably lead to enhanced platelet activity, and the formation of platelets would cause normal blood viscosity to coagulation direction. The increase in clotting factors, it will gradually make the formation of blood clots in varying degrees, and will inevitably lead to the formation of blood clots clogging microcirculation and ischemia and hypoxia. To alleviate this situation, doctors will use a variety of anticoagulant drugs combined anti-thrombosis.

4: Degradation of extracellular matrix treatments. From the Western perspective, the invasion of all kinds of harmful substances, extracellular matrix proliferation of kidney cells caused by intrinsic proliferation. Proliferation, the result will be the formation of an increase in cell proliferation and extracellular matrix. To ease the formation of this situation, doctors will certainly use can degrade the extracellular matrix such drugs, in order to curb the excessive increase of the extracellular matrix.

Learn how to treat polycystic kidney disease, we need to know it is that no matter what method of treatment adopted, should go through a doctor's consent, and follow the doctor's orders, so that your body have better help.


