
Polycystic kidney disease classification of renal hypertension caused!

Classification polycystic renal hypertension caused! Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary, is a congenital anomaly. Polycystic kidney cyst formation is mainly developmental disorders renal parenchyma and construction, often bilateral, both sides are not the same degree of involvement of more. Polycystic kidney disease caused by high blood pressure is polycystic kidney cyst oppression to the normal kidney tissue, so that renal ischemia, hypoxia, hypoperfusion of the kidney. Polycystic kidney disease is high blood pressure in patients with the phenomenon. So polycystic renal hypertension caused by which of these categories do you also want to know more about it, let the experts to give us a detailed introduction about?:

The first category, renal parenchymal lesions. Acute or chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis is the most common, followed by a congenital kidney disease (polycystic kidney, horseshoe kidney, renal hypoplasia), renal tuberculosis, kidney stones, kidney tumors, secondary sexual nephropathy (various knot system tissue disease, diabetic nephropathy, renal amyloidosis, radiation nephritis, trauma);

The second category, renal vascular disease. Renal artery stenosis or branch to various causes, with atherosclerosis, the most common muscle fibrosis, nonspecific arteritis, transplant rejection fibrosis can cause renal artery ischemia, thrombosis or embolism caused by renal hypertension;

The third category, urinary tract obstruction. Such as urinary tract stones, kidney and urinary tract tumors. In addition, kidney inflammation around, abscesses, tumors, trauma, and bleeding can also cause high blood pressure. According to national reports, in a variety of kidney disease with hypertension accounted for 19.6% ~ 57.7%.

! By the face classification polycystic renal hypertension caused after explanation, surely we should have a more understanding, we hope to provide some help, experts advise: The patient was found to be in disorder and timely to the hospital for treatment, so as to better treat the condition, the patient to actively cooperate with medical treatment, so that their better recovery. If you do not understand what the problem, please click on the following inquiry online experts to answer.


