
Adult polycystic kidney patient examination notes!

Adult polycystic kidney patient examination notes! All polycystic kidney disease patients are care examination, not only to save money but also to be able to effectively treat, so experts pointed out, whether it is adult polycystic kidney disease or other types should get to know , which checks to see instructions!

Adult polycystic kidney patient examination notes!

(1) laboratory tests: anemia caused not only by chronic blood loss, more is due to inhibition of uremia are associated with hematopoietic function due. Visible urine proteinuria and gross or microscopic hematuria, pyuria and bacteriuria also is common. Urine concentration function has sexual dysfunction. Renal clearance test may show various degrees of impaired renal function. Approximately one-third of patients with polycystic kidney disease is uremia are found.

(2) CT scan: in past non-invasive diagnostic technique for the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease, CT is the best. Multiple cysts within the cyst fluid filled with a thin wall and increased compared with normal kidneys, making this imaging modality at the time of diagnosis is extremely accurate (95%).

(3) kidney radionuclide examination: γ- scintigraphy will show increased renal shadow Many avascular "cold spots."

(4) X-ray examination: the abdominal plain film, bilateral renal shadow usually increases, even up to five times the normal size, length of more than 16cm kidney disease should be suspected. When the excretory row tomography venography can help establish the diagnosis, tomography can show multiple cysts transparent. In tomography and retrograde urography film, kidney often increases calyx is very strange forms (such as spider-like deformity): calyx widened, flattened, expanded and often curved around the neighborhood surrounding the cyst. This change does not occur often mild or even on the side of the kidney, thus easily lead to misdiagnosis of cancer or other kidney disease. When the cyst complicated by infection, kidney inflammation around and make kidney Movies As psoas Cinema blurred. Angiography can show small blood vessels around the bend of the cyst and cyst formation itself "negative" image (no vascular distribution).

(5) Ultrasound: Ultrasound images for better diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease and renal excretory urography radionuclide examination.

(6) equipment inspection: cystitis cystoscopy can be found, then the urine contains abnormal ingredients. Sometimes you can still see the ureteral orifice spurting. Urography and retrograde ureteral catheterization is rarely used.

These are for adult polycystic kidney check what instructions do presentation! If you introduce to above have not understood completely, it is recommended that you consult our online experts, the early lifting of the confusion and restore health.


